New KTCO: Sarah Gailey

Left: Cover image of Sarah Gailey's novella Have You Eaten? Right: Sarah Gailey, a white person with auburn hair, in a rail tunnel. They are wearing red boots, ripped jeans, a black tank top and a black sleeveless hoodie. Their hair is long on top and shaved on the sides. They are running a hand through their hair and resting the opposite elbow on one knee.

I am always so happy when I get the chance to talk with Sarah Gailey. They’re now officially part of the Four Timers Club on KTCO (along with Rachel Zucker), and I couldn’t be more pleased about it.

For this latest conversation, we talked about Sarah’s new novella, Have You Eaten?, which follows a group of four young, queer friends as they traverse a collapsing America, and which asks the question “What does it look like to take care of each other in a time of crisis?” It’s a question that feels so urgent right now, and for a while now. Sarah and I talked about the experimentation in fiction, vine-ripened tomatoes, cooking as an act of care, and what apocalypse means. And in the second segment, they almost made me cry by being nice to me (though they would vociferously deny that “being nice” was what they were doing, and fair enough), and then we talked about sin-flattening and high-control groups, and the necessity of interpersonal repair.