Harp, Ran-Ell, Salix, and Surin

From: Kevin

Subject Harp and Ran-Ell

Harp, somewhat at a loss, rises to his feet and cautiously follows the young elf back across the rope bridge to the room he had left just a few minutes ago. In it, he sees Ranthir Corron and Gar-Ell talking in muted voices. He notices some similarities between the two, but is unsure if it is a family resemblence or if all elves look so much alike. Unsure of the correct ettiquette (having slowly learned that concept over the past few years), he waits to take his cue from his host.

From: Randy

Subject Harp and Ran-Ell

Ran beckons for Harp to join them at the table and starts serving up a simple meal of bread and vegetable stew. He and his grandfather are very comfortable together and seem to act as if they know eachothers thoughts. They pass seasonings and fill eachothers glasses without requesting and eat without much conversation. Ran seems to notice again that Harp is with them and starts to speak, making small talk about Gorn and seems to avoid mentioning his father. "Harp, how are you faring these days? Have you been in contact with Heronin recently? How long do you plan on staying with us? Oh, and by the way, I would prefer if you referred to me as Ran or Ran-Ell. I no longer go by the name Ranthir Corron." The name is spoken with some noticeable distaste.

From: Karl

Subject Salix and Surin

Salix nods and leave the Halfling to finish his work. He makes his way into town in search of the tavern. "King's Bitch", he says quietly to himself. Well, let's hope they're referring to his dog. . .

The sign over the door doesn't help dispel that question, however, as the image it proudly shows is that of a very buxom wench with a small lap-dog in her arms. Salix can't quite suppress a smile at the joke, but at the same time can't quite keep from blushing, especially when he notices that the wench seems to be winking slyly.

Inside, the place looks rather clean for an establishment of its type, even if the patrons don't. As early as it is, the only three patrons inside are the type that have probably worked just enough in the past few days to fill their cups and, from the looks of them, have emptied them again more times than is wise.

He quietly takes a booth in the far corner of the tavern and sits so he can watch the door. He notices that the adjacent booth are empty, all the patrons apparently not wanting more than a bars width between themselves and the kegs.

A woman with a deeply wrinkled face moves from behind the bar and stands expectantly at Salix's booth. "A pint," he says politely, then remembering he has not eaten since breakfast adds, "And a loaf of bread and some cheese if you have it." The woman nods and hobbles back toward the bar. A moment later she returns with a nice-sized loaf of bread and a generous portion of cheese. Noticing that Surin has entered the tavern, he thanks the woman and asks for a pint of Copperhead Ale for the Halfling.

As Surin sits, Salix motions for him to help himself to the bread and cheese, waiting for him to do so before serving himself. "I have been sent to meet you by Master Quarion, as I said," Salix begins. "We are to leave as soon as possible for Gorn in Shon. We are to meet him at one of the temples there."

He waits to see how this news affects his new acquaintance.

From: Jake

Subject Salix and Surin

Surin says something unintelligible from behind a startlingly large mouthful of bread and cheese. He then holds up one finger, gesturing to Salix to wait a moment. and washes the mouthful down with a good sized swig of Copperhead. He sighs contentedly, then turns his attention back to his companion.

"We're to leave for Gorn? That's Quarion, nothing if not imperious, eh? He say what was so important there in Gorn?"

From: Mark

Subject Intro's

I want to thank Kevin, Karl, Jake and Randy for doing a great job with the intro's. You guys can keep it up until the characters are ready to go or until Jan 13 or so. I would like to have every one in Gorn by Jan 17th so that the real story can begin. :)

For the three that have not been introduced yet, your time is coming. I already have the basics worked out and will hopefully get to it mid next week or when ever Rob and I get to flesh out his character.

Just a couple of reminders. First, please use the addy from now on if you want to contact me directly. I have been unable to access hotmail from home and I will be able to access the erinet addy from work, so I think I will use the erinet one for this.

Second, when you are writing replys, you can delete all of the prior conversation except the one most recent. It makes for shorter e-mails. I hope everyone is having fun so far and that what has been happening is whetting the appitite of the others.
