The Body

From: Kevin

Subject The plan

Harp will wait for Ran El to come up with a plan and will then help carry out those plans.

From: Karl

Subject The plan

Salix will follow with the group, keeping a sharp eye out for any threats, animal or humanoid. He is concerned that there may be someone hurt and in need of healing so he will be edging toward the front of the group trying to get them to keep up their speed in spite of being cautious.

From: Derrell

Subject Plan

Fal-Tor loads his cross bow , then prepares his sleep spell.

OOC: Does preparing a spell require a roll of the dice, or do I just assume it worked?

From: Mark

Subject Spells

You do not need to make any roll. Unless you are engaged in combat you do not even need to make a roll to cast a spell, unless you have been damaged in that round. Certain spells are touch spells or ranged touch attacks and they require an attack roll, but usually you can ignore the armor that the target is wearing, since it does not make it harder for you to touch them. They would only get their DEX bonus, assuming they know you are there.

As I said before it is assumed that all spell casters, divine and arcane have all the components for all spells that cost less than 1 gp. As the component for the sleep spell is rose petals, a pinch of sand or a cricket, you would have one of those, probably the sand.

From: Kevin

Subject Time?

OOC: To paraphrase the infamous Ben Grimm (from the Fantastic Four)

Isn't it clobberin' time yet?

From: Ami

Subject Time?

We are waiting for our illustrious leader to tell us if we can move forward or not.

Cai notices Ran looks distracted. She wonders if some kind of spell has been put on him.

From: Mark

Subject The body

Seeing the hawk's excitement, the group stops in the middle of the road. Salix moves his horse over next to Cai and asks ?Can you speak with her? If not, I might be able to, with your permission.? The group forms a small circle around the two, Harp keeping a look out for trouble instead of paying close attention on what the ranger and druid are saying. Cai nods her agreement to what Salix proposes and Salix quickly says a prayer to Obad-Hai and starts screeching at the bird. The bird gets a sort of startled look on its face and starts screeching back. After a few minutes of this, Salix turns to his owl, Noctis and gently wakes him. He then hoots a bit at the owl and Noctis takes off, heading in the direction that Grey had come from.

Salix addresses the group. ?Grey has seen someone, humanoid, wearing armor. He might have been fleeing something and he might now be injured or dead. I think we need to check it out immediately but cautiously. He did not see any other humanoids around. I have asked Noctis to fly ahead and come to warn us immediately if he sees that there is still a threat there.? Ran decides to have the group spread out a bit as they proceed down the road, Bel on one side, Cai on the other, both looking for traps or ambushes. Ran and Harp take the middle ahead of Fal-Tor, Salix and Surin. The group moves slowly so that the rangers can try and make sure there are no surprises (Spot check). After about 10 minutes Noctis returns to the group and lands on the pommel of Salix's horse. He hoots twice and then goes back to sleep. Salix informs the group ?Something is still there ahead of us. Something two-legged that Noctis considers a threat. We?d better be careful.? Salix tells the group that he thinks this person is less than ? a mile away now, based on how long it took Noctis to get there and back.

The group moves along the road. The trees are fairly heavy on each side of the road, but the road is a nice wide path through the trees, probably 30-35 feet across. With the rangers looking for ambushes it takes the group about 20 minutes to reach a small rise in the road. As they get to the top the party sees that there is a small valley beneath them. The bottom is about 100 yards away and 50-60 feet lower then the ridge they are on. The other side of the small valley is about 200 yards away and about the same height as the side they are on now. The road runs right down the middle of the cleared trees, and the cleared area is about 30-35 feet across. The trees are thick enough and low enough that it would be very difficult to ride through the woods. At the bottom of the valley, in the middle of the road lies what looks like a body, about the size of a human.

From: Randy

Subject The body

Ran dismounts from Kir and ties him to a nearby tree and encourages the others to dismount as well in case of ambush. He requests the rangers stay on the flanks for the moment and to keep an eye out for anyone approaching.

Cautiously he move toward the body to take a closer look.

From: Kevin

Subject The body

Harp will dismount, tie off his horse, lock and load his crossbow, and follow Ran, staying a fair distance from him. As they approach the body, Harp will slowly work his way to the other side of the body, keeping an eye on the forest and the road coming down into the valley. He will not get overly involved with the body as he is sure that the others are more qualified to determine what has happened and if they need him for some reason, they know where to find him.

From: Karl

Subject The body

Salix will dismount, secure his horse and approach the body just behind Ran. He will also be keeping an eye out for trouble.


Subject The Body

Fal-Tor dismounts and ties off his horse. He then loads his crossbow. He straps his quarterstaff to his back so that he can use the crossbow. Fal then tells the raven to keep an eye on the surrounding trees for any signs of trouble. Fal is ready to proceed.

From: Jake

Subject Time?

No, not until we ride into the ambush. *Then* it'll be clobberin' time.

From: Jake

Subject The Body

Surin nudges Iaptis to the right side of the road, then dismounts just to the right of his horse. Peering nervously into the woods he ties the horse to a convenient tree, then slips into the undergrowth, throwing axe in hand. He moves into the woods, going just far enough to conceal himself from the road, and then begins moving downhill as quietly as possible [Move Silently]. If he sees no one in the woods he will continue down until he is even with the body. Once he reaches it he will remain in hiding, watching and listening for anything that seems amiss.