Deciding what to do at the camp

From: Rob

Subject The camp

Mark, if it made a large roar when attacking, how is it that we don't hear anything?

Bel, once he is aware of the problem, will rise and grab his bow, and then once he has a clear shot he will fire two arrows (rapid shot) at it.

From: Mark

Subject Camp

Smartass. :) The creature did start out 120 feet away from Ran and Cai, and Bel is further than that in a large clearing where he is intently keeping an eye out on his own watch area. Ran is letting the group know that this is not just some random noise.

From: Rob

Subject The camp

I had actually written and sent that one before I read the rest of the messages, before I knew Ran shouted.

You DID say we might not know yet, even though you had written that it gave a shout....:D

I am up and ready, so I fire two arrows at it asap.

Also, am I in armor? I would think so this close to the encampment, but I am not sure as I just woke up.

From: Mark

Subject The camp

From what I had thought no one was sleeping while Surin was out scouting the goblin camp so that if Noctis showed up the party could make a quick run for the camp and try and save him. I had every one up and alert at the camp.