Round 4 actions

From: Jason

Subjec: Round 4

Cai grimaces as the pain from the kick interrupts her plea for aid. She feels as if just a little more attention to her task would have allowed her to complete it, but the unarmed man is seriously unnerving her. Noting that Hark and Ran are having more success with their opponent, she begins to fight defensively. She will hope to delay him while her companions use their superior numbers to take down their foes.

ooc I believe fight defensively is -4 hit, +2 AC? I'm gonna do that, and take a 5 foot step back so that (assuming he follows) he's no longer standing next to Ran.

However, if Kendrick goes down, I'm going to use a double move (withdraw) option, wandering right through the middle of my friends, so if he follow they get AOO, and go stand by the magic user. Lets give him something to worry about finally.

From: Kevin

Subject Round 4

OOC: Hoorah to that.

From: Josh

Subject Round 4

OOC: I'm having family over today, so I won't be able to send a turn out until later tonight.

From: Josh

Subject Round 4

OOC: How many more vials can I see at #2's waist? Would it be possible to do an aimed attack intending to smash the vials? (Would his AC just be his armorless AC since I'm not trying to pierce his armor)?

From: Mark

Subject Round 4

I will roll a spot check to see if there are any more vials.

However to break one you would, I think, have to make a sunder attack.

Let me look into the details.

From: Kevin

Subject Round 4

OOC: If you were to get a critical hit and cut off his arm, he would be severly hampered in his ability to grab more vials. That would be the simplest way.

So long as he is not attacking you, don't worry about the vials. He has gone 2 turns with out an attack and without causing you any damage. Keep hitting him (maybe a True Strike) and keep doing damage. Eventually, Bel or one of us will get over to help the little elf out. I think that if Ran and I can both hit Kendrik this turn, we may be able to put him out of our misery.

From: Mark

Subject Round 4

Listen to the 1/2 orc talk.

Cut off an arm with a rapier. :rolls eyes: