Mark and Drugs

From: Mark

Subject Game

I am off of work again today becuase of my arm. I am meeting with the Nuerosurgeon on Thursday.

I might be able to get a turn out latter today. I am going to try and have my son do the typing while I do the creating. We will see how that works.

So if any one wants to do any RP for the trip they can.

From: Karl

Subject Game

You could save wear and tear on you arm if you didn't type unnecessary letters.

"latter today" indeed. :rolleyes:

From: Mark

Subject Game

It is the percocet. wheee

From: Kevin

Subject Game

Folks, just a quick update on Marks condition. His condition has worsened - his irritable disk has now caused and irritable bowel. Add to this that he is already an irrirable asshole, and things do not look pretty. Wish us local Dayton residents the best.

Seriously, his disk is causing him some serious pain, though it gives him a reason to take some really cool drugs. He meets with a specialist later this week, and any turns he produces will likely be the product of slave labor. If anyone has the time or desire to add some role playing color (a vivid dream on Mark's halfing character in his other game being brutally abused after she is dead comes to mind) be Mark's guest.

Please check your stats on Sakeriver to make sure that the reflect any level increases before we start encountering the nastiness to come. Harp will want every one at their best.