Questions and through the woods

From: Mark

Subject Questions

No questions from any one?

I will write a turn up tonight.

From: Ashley

Subject Questions

Did nobody get the message I sent yesterday morning?

From: Jason

Subject Questions

If you meant this message, then yes I got it. A bag of holding probably would not be able to fit a wagon, though it could certainly hold some trade goods.

From: Ashley

Subject Questions

unkeeday, then.

From: Kevin

Subject Questions

Harp will ask if there is anyone person in particular the Druids have had dealings with in the past, either good or bad. Harp has learned that the Druids normally would not work directly in the city/town, but they may have made some contacts outside the town that had either worked out well or poorly.

From: Karl

Subject Questions

While this is good information to have, Salix would be against meeting with such a person until after they have discovered what was going on. As things stand, he would be suspicious of this person/contact. Why had they not contacted the circle if they had any knowledge of missing druids. Or at the best, contact with this person could be the very thing that led to the disappearance of the other druids.

From: Mark

Subject Questions

All agreements between the druids and been with the "Mayor" or who was Mayor at the time.

The local druid had some contact with some local people but the Council did not have any names. The druids would have used the local animals more than the people.

From: Mark

Subject Through the woods

Flint looks around at the party, seeing if there are any questions. Allistair asks if they can bring the wagon along so that they can pose as merchants. Flint shakes his head. "Too big, it will be pushing it sending just you eight and your animals and gear. I am not sure if we could send a horse along if we wanted." Flint then looks the group over and leads them to the druid grove.

The grove is only about a 15 minute walk away. Flint leads them in the pale moon light. It is bright enough that even Allistair and Mund can see their way along the path with out too much trouble. When they get to the clearing they see an odd site. There is an inner ring of trees that stands about 15 feet from the forest. This ring is almost 100 feet across. The trees in this inner ring seem to be of every type of tree, one each. Beech, elm. ash, oak, larch, palm, birch and more and more. In the middle of the grove stand 11 druids, forming a circle. Flint motions for the party to take its place in the center of the druids and then takes his place in the circle.

With out warning the one of the druids starts chanting. It is a sing songy chant. Salix recognizes the basic tone and most of the words. It is in the druid language, the one that is never taught to outsiders. After several bars of the chant a second druid picks up the chant, adding his voice to the first. This new voice adds a new timber to the chant, another aspect of nature. The chant continues, one voice after another adding its strength and aspect to the song. The MountainFather is the last. His deep bass voice adds the solidness of the mountains and the strength of the earth to the song.

The power builds around the party. All of those who use mystical power of some sort can feel it, even Harp. The others feel a tingling at the nape of their neck as the power reaches its zenith. The full moon shines down on the party as Flint motions Salix forward. He lays his hands on Salix and the 1/2 elf jumps at the touch. Power flows from Flint and Salix feels as he is going to burst. "Salix," Flint says" we, the druid council, bequeath to you the grace to move through plants. We give you the power to take your friends with you. Look into my mind, see the oak grove near Bodentown, the grove you are going to." In his mind Salix sees quite clearly a large oak grove, one massive tree in particular, standing like sentinels of the forest. "Now" continues the MountainFather "take your friends hands and lead them to the oak in this grove. There, say the prayer to Obad-Hai that is now in your heart. Then lead your party through the tree to your destination."

Salix motions for his companions to follow him and he strides to the oak in the circle of trees. It is a massive tree, easily 10 feet across. He pulls out his new wooden holy symbol and chants the prayer that is throbbing inside of his head. As he finishes it he looks at the tree, and to his eyes, a wide hole has opened up, making a path through the tree and out the other side of a far away tree. "Follow me, but do not let go. It is death to be caught inside a tree with out a druid." With that he steps into the passage way, pulling the others behind him. One by one the party members follow Salix into the tree. There is a flash of blackness and then they are in the forest again.

The morning sun is just starting to peak through the woods. Salix, the power suddenly leaving him, falls to his knees. He tries to stand but falls again. Something is wrong. Something in the woods. All around.

OODM: Any actions or comments?

From: Porter

Subject Questions

"Yeah, I've got a question. Do we have any way of communicating with y'all once we go through your tree thing? Any way of asking for help? Of telling you we succeeded, or that we gave up?"

From: Mark

Subject Questions

Assume this happes before the turn I just sent out.

"If you have rescued the StormFather, you will have no problem getting word back to us. If the problem is solved, but something has happened to the StormFather, Salix should have no problem getting word to us. Other than that we are afraid to risk anything that might bring attention to your group."

From: Kevin

Subject Questions

OOC: Mark, before we left, Harp went and got his equipment from the horses. Harp can fit most everything in his backpack, but there are a few items he is going to ask Allistair to keep in the Bag of Holding - bolt cutters, 20' grappling ladder, 150' silk rope, and a tarp. These 5 items weigh a total of 56 lbs. and if Allistair needs the space Harp can work with him when that time comes.

I have updated Harp's equipment list.

From: Mark

Subject Questions

As long as it is ok with Derek it is ok with me.

His bag does have a limit as too how much it can hold and he has his own stuff to carry.

You'd think some one would invent a back pack like that. Maybe some type of haversack that was really handy.