Turn, doors, did you close that door?

From: Mark

Subject: The guard room

The guy is not opening the door. He locked the door. He is just waiting. In fact both doors in the guard room the man and Surin are in are locked now.

From: Kevin

Subject: The guard room

Harp grabs at the door, waiting for the men to reach it and try to open it. He had to give the group time to distance themselves from these guards. But, if they started to smash the door down, there wouldn't be much he could do to stop them. Just then an idea pops into he head. 'Allistair, can you throw one of those web spells you used back in the training grounds? That would probably slow these guys down enough to give us some space."

If Allistair agrees, Harp will ask him to wait until they guards are close to getting through the door and have him web across the door frame.

From: Karl

Subject: doors

Are the doors into that room wooden or metal?

From: Mark

Subject: Doors

All of the doors, except for the ones in the cells and the torture chamber have been wood bound in iron. They have been varying degrees of thickness and quality. These are of medium thickness/quality.

From: Karl

Subject: Doors

OK, well, so far it doesn't appear we know the door is locked, so I guess if everyone is just standing where they're marked, Salix will say "What are we stopping for? Let's get going!"

Assuming then that either Kal or Ran try the door and find it locked, Salix will say "Damn! Someone else must know were here. Can we break through this damn thing?"

From: Josh

Subject: Doors

Kal will keep moving and try to open the door on AL7. If it's locked he'll turn to the other one and see if that one's open.

Ragnar will move with the group. He'll try to cover the front with Kal while Harp and Salix cover the rear.

From: Randy

Subject: Doors

OOC: and our lock picking friend just happens to be the one on the other side of the door.

"Surin must be hiding back there." Ran whispers to Salix. "Whoever locked the door is expecting us, should we make some noise to let our little friend know that we are here? It might prompt him to make a move, especially if there is not a large group waiting for us."

From: Porter

Subject: Doors

Allistair replies "Yes. In fact, I had the exact same thought, and am ready to cast that exact spell at a moment's notice, should they break through. "


OOC: This next line comes after we find out that the door's locked.


"Gorramit! " Mun whispers, but everybody can her the intensity in his voice. "If they know we're in here, then we've gotta break through this door fast, or we'll have to fight though an army. Any of ya'll magickers have magick to open that door. No? OK, Harp, let's get to bashin' this door down."

OOC: Assuming that nobody has a better idea:


Mund whispers to the Stormfather. "I'm sorry, Grandpa, but I'm gonna have to set you down. But don't you worry, we ain't a gonna let nothin' happen to you. I've just gotta destroy something that's in our way."

From: Mark

Subject: Turn

Ok I have a few things to do and then I think I can write a turn. Nothing tonight as it is one of my RL games.

From: Mark

Subject: Did you close that door?

The party hustles through the temple room, Kal and Ran in the lead. Kal gets to the door first and reaches out to open it. He almost falls when it does not respond to his pull. He stops for a second, the others stopping behind him. "What's wrong?" Salix asks. "Did we close this door when we came through here?" Kal replies. Ran curses "Damn, I wonder if they know we are here? Maybe got around us somehow. Surin's out there. Maybe captured? I hope he had the good sense to stay out of the way. If anyone has a chance that little guy does. What now?"

Kal takes that as a hint and moves down the room to the second door on the east wall. It opens easily and the elf enters. While he is doing this Mund is handing Acer to Ragnar and moving up to the door, getting ready to chop it down. Over his should he tells Ally "You might want to get that webby magik ready to cast on that door we just came through, this ones not going to be much good at holding them back when I'm done with it." Kal shows back up a few seconds later "The other door into the guard room is also locked."

Mund moves to the front with his ax "Clear away, woods going to fly." At the west door Harp hears a commotion as the armored men finish chopping their way through the door in the guardroom. "Ally, they are through. You want to do your thing here? This one swings in so your webby thing should hold it, right?" Ally nods "Stand back" and chants as he gestures. A fine, silky substance flows from his fingers and he traces a fine pattern over the door, the frame, the ceiling and the floor. Within seconds the door is covered with a heavy layer of cobwebs. "Don't touch it unless you want to stay here" warns the mage.

Back in the guard room Surin can hear someone starting to bang on the wooden door. The man with the sword pulls out something from his belt and takes a step back. He was up to something, Surin thinks. Those guys coming through that door will be sitting ducks. Need to do something about it. Gritting his teeth the halfling slashes with his ax.

OODM: Surprise round. I will handle it tomorrow. Spend the night in suspense.

From: Karl

Subject: Did you close that door?


From: Mark

Subject: Did you close that door?

What? :innocent look:

From: Kevin

Subject: Did you close that door?

Mark, is Harp's Bulls Strength still on? Has it been 3 minutes since he saw the other guards come down the hallway?

From: Mark

Subject: Did you close that door?

He has about a minute or so left.

From: Kevin

Subject: Did you close that door?

OK, then Harp will stand to the side of Mund and say while Mund is swinging "Let me go through first, I still have the Battle Lord's blessing"

From: Porter

Subject: did you close that door?

Sure thing, boss." Mund grunts between axe blows.

From: Josh

Subject: Did you close that door?

Kal attacks the DM.

Kal will go in after Harp, he's still got Bulls Strength as well.

From: Porter

Subject: Did you close that door?

Mund will hang back and bodyguard the old man.

From: Bryan

Subject: Did you close that door?

Surin will continue his attack(s), shouting a warning to the others.

From: Josh

Subject: Did you close that door?

Ragnar will wait for the door to open and then press through with the rest of the group, looking for something to hit.