Turn, out of town, back in town
Subject: Turn
I will try and get something out this afternoon. I am catching up from being out of the office yesterday afternoon and the lady I work with is out today.
Also, tonight I am going to see Wierd Al.
From: Kevin
Subject: Out of town
Mark, I a leaving today at 11 to head to our company picnic in Kentucky. We are then heading over to Evansville for the weekend. I will have limited access to e-mail.
Karl sent me a note letting me know that he was going to have a tough time getting to a computer this weekend as well. He asked that if things started moving, he wanted me to step in for Salix. They only things that I would have Salix do is if we get to a time that he can pray for spells he is going to ask for Pass without Trace (actually, Karl asked for that) and to make sure that he has at least 2 entangle spells ready.
From: Bryan
Subject: Back in town
I'm back. I'll start playing again next turn. Sorry about the delay
- I got held up in Korea.