
From: Bryan

Subject: Bane

What exactly does a human bane dagger do?
From: Bryan

Subject: Check in

Gah. Check. (sent to single person instead of list about twice in a row ;)
From: Kevin

Subject: Bane

A Bane weapon has an enchantment on it that makes it more effective against a particular race/monster. In this case, it is against humans. The bane enchanment means that against humans it acts as an enchantment 2 levels higher than it normally is (+3 vs. +1 in this case), as well as doing and extra 2d6 of damage. If Surin were to do a sneak attack against a human with this dagger, he would do his normal d4, + 2d6 for bane,, +4d6 of sneak attack damage. It is a cool benefit, but it only gains this extra stuff against 1 type of creature.
From: Josh

Subject: Treasure

Kal's not interested in any of the treasure we picked up, but he would like his share of the gold to purchase a new sword and possibly some spells. If he needs to take some items and sell them he's glad to do it.

I'm back :).