Turn, character sheets, the offer part 3

From: Mark

Subject: Turn

I will write something up tonight.

I was waiting to see if Randy and Bryan wanted to do anything.

Kevin are you going to write up anything for Salix?

From: Randy

Subject: Turn

I've got something in mind for Ranthir while in town but I kind of need to see my character sheet before I decide what to spend my money on.

From: Mark

Subject: Turn

OK I'll see what I can do about the sheets.

From: Mark

Subject: Character sheets

Ok guys

I need you to help with something.

First, go to the link below. This is the link to the old Sakeriver. The character sheets are there. Copy down all the info about your character. Keep this for your records.

I am going to talk to my oldest son about him transfering the info to the new site, but I want everyone to have a hard copy of thier character sheets as of this date.

From: Kevin

Subject: Turn

I may if I have time tonight after finishing Harp stuff.

We had a loan that was supposed to close today that had a hickup last night at 4 pm. Have spent most of the day working with lawyers trying to get an acceptable solution to a minor problem. Billable hours are totaling up.

From: Porter

Subject: Turn

I also have some stuff to write about what Mund buys, but that doesn't have to be done now, especially if Mark lets us retcon a bit or if the plot hook takes a while.

From: Josh

Subject: Turn

I may do more with Kal. I don't have anything in particular that needs to be done, but I'm in the mood to write lately. Don't hold up the game on account of that though.

From: Porter

Subject: Turn

Derek's leaving for Japan tomorrow morning, and he asked me to take over Alley, including possibly buying him some magic items with his loot.

If he looked, would he be able to find pearls of power and a lesser empower metamagic rod?

From: Porter

Subject: Stuff

I seem to recall us finding a magic ring at some point which Mund was going to try on but didn't. Whatever happened to it, and what was it?

From: Porter

Subject: Identify magic items

Derek is going back to Japan tomorrow morning, and has asked me to take over Allistair for a week.

Finishing up taking care of his gear, Alley needs to buy some 100 gp pearls for the spell Identify.

The entire party benefits from Alley casting this spell, so he is going to ask every member of the party to contribute 100 gp so that he can buy some pearls.

Mund will agree to this. Does anybody disagree?

From: Josh

Subject: identify

The order provided us with the necessary materials for the spell, IIRC.

From: Porter

Subject: Identify

While we're here, yes, but not while we're on the road, like when Alley identified those magic shields and chain shirts.

From: Jason

Subject: Identify

That's fine with me.

From: Mark

Subject: Identify

When do my plot hooks take a while? :)

Once the party leaves town, things need to be done by then.

From: Kevin

Subject: Identify

Harp is OK with giving 100 gp toward a pearly fund.

From: Josh

Subject: Identify

Kal has some pearls on him which he bought last visit in town. He's capable of casting identify as well, and he uses them to cast that ice spell, so he'll hang onto them and pick up some more if he has any cash left over. (I'll know tonight when I look at the character sheet). If Allistar needs some Kal will give him some no problem.

From: Kevin

Subject: The offer, part 3

Kal considers for a moment. Here, in this place, truth needed to come out.

"Harp, I need to be fully honest with you. I was suspiscious of you, of that place, of those living there. That place was evil, and evil can tempt even the best of men, or half orcs for that matter. I did not give you the trust you deserved, and even though my mistrust may have prevented something from happening, it never the less diminishes your debt to me. What I did was not fully out of a positive conern for you. It was based on suspicion. I'm not worthy of what you offer me."

Harp thinks back to all his interactions with this little elf over the past number of months. "Kal, it seems we are doomed to always misunderstand each other. I am offering one of the special blessings of our Order to you as recompense for putting your life at risk because of my bad decision. You wish to refuse because your decision to follow was made based on suspicion, rather than true concern. If I remember when we first met, we had another disagreement before we left for the Testing Ground, and almost came to blows over it. But, somehow, I think we are much alike. We want to rid the world of evil and to us, our swords are the way we do it.

If you will not take this offer as my act of contrition, then will you take it as an offer of friendship and trust? What we endured in that alley is something that few folks ever experience and walk away from. You are one of the most skilled people with a blade I have ever met, and when you dance you nay impossible to touch. If I can give you some of my, how do I say it, durability, I think the whole group will benefit."

Kal sits back, a curious look on his face. Didn't this go beyond the pale? Here was a 1/2 orc offering something that was obviously incredibly important to him, not only out of a sense of duty, but from a sense of friendshp. What would his friends, if he had any, think about this? But, was this an offer he could walk away from? He had seen Harp at his best. He could take a sword strike better than most, and he was no where near a profficient a fighter as Kal. If he could somehow provide Kal with a similar ability, Kal could be an even more effective tool against injustice in the world. This friendship with Harp, however, would be something that he would have to see how it worked. This was beyond his expectations and experiences. But, to turn down such an offer, made in good will and with good intent - no, that he could not do.

"Very well, Harp, I will accept your offer. I never thought I would see the day when I would tie my self to one such as your self, but, as the saying goes, even an old dog can learn new tricks. Lets see if this young elf can do the same.

Now, tell me how this blessing works."

Harp takes the next few minutes to explain how the blessing works, and its limitations. When they are done, Harp asks "Are you ready? If so, I will go consecrate the rings at the altar of the Battle Lord, and then whenever you wish, you need but ask and I will pray for the blessing. But keep in mind that when we use this, you need to let me know what you are going to do so that I can try to keep within distance. If you leave, the blessing will end for this day. I don't move as quick as you do, but if you can give me some hint as to what you are doing, even if it is just a shout or a hand motion, I can stay close enough."

OOC: Mark, Harp will offer to show Kal the basic hand signals the martial side of the Order use for communicating basic movements when staying silent.

This is not as complete as I would have liked, but it has drug on longer than I expected. Basically, Harp can now cast Shield Other on Kal, which will give Kal some benefits during combat. Kal does not know that Harp will be taking the damage that Kal is not - that will probably come up at a later date.

Mark, I will write up a short list of the items Harp bought while in town tomorrow morning.

From: Kevin

Subject: The offer, part 3

OOC: My apologies to Josh for any liberties I took with Kal. We could have tried to RP this back and forth, but it would have loaded up our inboxes.

Thank you, Josh, for letting me do so. Seems the two have come a long way from their first fight.

From: Josh

Subject: The offer, part 3

No apologies necessary. It was better written this way. Thanks for doing it.

>hr />
From: Kevin

Subject: The offer, part 3

If you have the time and inclination, please write up something from Kal's point of view after this has been done. Harp is more than willing to go do some weapons training for the remaining weeks with Kal. The more time they spend working together, the better they will work together when needed in combat.

From: Porter

Subject: The smoke lodge

Did y'all get my story about Mund in Salix's sweat lodge last week?

From: Mark

Subject: The smoke lodge

I did.

From: Kevin

Subject: The smoke lodge

I did as well. Have been focused on Harp's story so have not taken the time to write up comments on the other stories.

From: Bryan

Subject: Character sheets

I've seen a few updates with regard to the availability of character sheets. Current status is still that they'll be fixed near the end of the week? Trying to write a level story for Surin and having some issues 'cause I do not know the character sheet as well as I should.