Turn, Loot and upgrades

From: Mark

Subject: Turn

I will be writing up some more stuff around town this evening.
From: Mark

Subject: Loot

So what is the party going to do with the loot? Sell it all?
From: Porter

Subject: Loot

I think so. Nobody seems interested in any of it.

Well, not more interested than the money that could be got from selling it and then buying something else.
From: Kevin

Subject: Loot

Agreed. Given the benefit we are getting from the Order, it seems more advisable to sell the weapons at market value and then buy what we want.

Sell, Sell, Sell.
From: Jason

Subject: Loot

Agreed, Ragnar wasn't particularly interested in any of it.
From: Josh

Subject: loot

From: Bryan

Subject: Loot

The knife interests Surin a little, but in this case he'd be more than willing to sell the loot.

FYI - Wedding complete. I've gotten rid of my sister (now on her honeymoon) - now the key is to get rid of the rest of the relatives/friends ;)
From: Josh

Subject: Loot

I think Kal has one of those +1 chain shirts on, which he swapped out for his +1 studded leather. I'm not sure but it's on the character sheet. If that's the case we can take the difference out of his end of the treasure.
From: Porter

Subject: Loot

Ooh! Mund swiped out one of the +1 shields for his nonmagical shield, and has been using it.

But if Mund's able to acquire a magical 2-handed axe like he wants, he'll have no need for the shield.
From: Josh

Subject: Upgrades

Kal wakes the next morning feeling particularly refreshed. The last adventure had changed him drastically. He was too tired on the road to sense it before, but after a few nights of good sleep he could feel it all over his body.

After a short breakfast he collects the gold from his share of the treasures, along with the reward money, and heads to the armory. When he walks in the smith comes up to him immediately.

He's a dwarf, shorter than Ragnar and with a thicker beard. Certainly much older. He wears a thick leather apron with is emblazoned on the front with the symbol of Heronious. He looks Kal over once with a frown and then speaks.

"I know who you are and what you've done for the guild. We'll reduce the price of anything you buy here, but don't expect me to do it for free."

Kal smiles. "Of course."

"Alright" the smith says, looking at ease, "what can I do for you?"

"An associate of mine has an axe that is enchanted with ice magic. We also came across another axe that has fire damage. I'd like to have the enchantment on my sword enhanced. I want it to do fire and ice damage, combined."

The smith wrinkles his face up in thought. "It's not possible. The enchantment doesn't sustain, the magicks conflict."

Kal frowns.

The smith continues, "Now hold your horses. We've got other options. I can mix lightning or acid with either of those two, if you're not too particular about the sort of magic."

Kal thinks for a moment and is satisfied. "Alright. Ice and Lightning it is, how long will it take?"

The smith smiles with patience, "Oh, a day or two. You can come back tomorrow and see how we're progressing."

Kal replies, "I must stay here the entire time you work on my sword. If I leave it must leave with me. While you work on the sword I must be right there watching. I don't mean this to be an inconvenience, but it is absolutely necessary. I will stay out of your way, and if it costs more gold I will pay the price."

"Cost more gold! Of course it will cost more gold! You damned elves and your codes of honor. Thinking you can stay under foot while I work, like I'm going to mess up your sword. Let me tell you boy, I've forged weapons for ladies and lords. I've worked with materials you've never heard of. You cannot stay here. And even if I let you, you better believe it will cost more gold!" The dwarfs face has turned a crimson red with the offense.

Kal replies with a tense patience, "It is customary that no one but an elf should work on this sword, and even then I would remain to assist in the enchanting. On the word of Angelwing and other elves I have spoken with I have decided to suspend this custom. On the word of your reputation.

I mean no offense, and I mean my patronage as an honor. Please understand it as such."

The smith looks Kal over, squinting his face up like only a dwarf can. "Alright. This is how it's going to work. Come back in an hour, bring your sword and the gold with you. Expect to be here for 6 hours while we enchant the weapon. I don't want to hear you move or speak. If something goes wrong, I'm holding you accountable. If you can accept these terms I'll do the work."

Kal nods in accordance.

"Alright", the smith says "and as long as you don't get in the way, I'll waive the extra cost. You and the group you're with have been doing some serious good out there, consider it on me."

Kal smiles and shakes the dwarfs hand. "Thank you." As he's leaving Kal thinks to himself how much he's changed in the past few months. A dwarf upgrading his sword, HA! What a strange world.
From: Porter

Subject: Upgrades

Lightning and cold +1 rapier? That's a serious upgrade!
From: Josh

Subject: upgrades

Kal's gotta pick up some damage somewhere. Those mosquito bites just aren't cutting it. And anyway, bladesingers are stupid proud when it comes to their swords. :-D

I just know Mark's going to take our equipment away from us this leg of the trip.
From: Mark

Subject: Upgrades

Been done in the evil game I run. Just ask Kevin. Whole group woke up in prison, not a thing on them.
From: Josh

Subject: Upgrades

What level did this campaign start at? Level 1? Who's been around the whole time?

Just idle curiosity.
From: Mark

Subject: Upgrades

Which game, the evil one or this one?

This campaign started with all the characters at 4th level. Harp, Ranthir, Salix and Surin are the only 4 from the original group. Kal then joined and then Ragnar, Mund and Ally joined.

The evil group also started at 4th level. Ending up in the prison with out any gear was part of the plan that the guy they worked for had. They were higher level by then and killed Angelwing. Of course they had two monks in the party, so not having weapons was not a huge deal for a while.
From: Kevin

Subject: The Offer, part 2

The next morning finds a young page knocking on Harp's door. Giving a grunt of acknowledgement, Harp opens the door and motions for the page to enter his room. "You are familiar with the city, correct?" Harp asks. Seeing the nod of assent, Harp proceeds "There is someone I need to to give an invitation to. His name is Kal, and he is a elf, so make sure to be very polite" He gives the young man directions to where Kal is staying and tells the page to ask Kal to join Harp at the Chapterhouse at 1 hour before noon, if he is available. When the page has his answer from Kal, he is to find Harp in the Chapel and deliver his answer. The page takes off, eager to get this task completed. Harp does his daily ablutions, and then prepares for his meeting with Kal. An hour later, the young man comes in quietly to the Chapel to let Harp know that the message had been delivered and the the elf replied that he would meet Harp at the main gate at the appointed time.

As the time approaches 11, Harp heads to the front gate. At exactly the given time, Kal strides up to the gate, his expression neutral. Harp extends his hand in greeting, and the elf returns it cautiously, curious as to why the big 1/2 orc has asked him here. Harp invites the elf to follow him into the Chapterhouse.

A few minutes later, they are back into the main chapel to the Battle Lord. The murals on the wall depict scenes from great battle over the eons the Order had been involved in. Some Kal had seen at the wedding of Angelwing, but others seemed to have been added since the last time he had been here.

As they enter the Chapel, Harp leads Kal to a pew in the back and motions for him to sit. His curiosity still high, Kal takes the seat, and then looks at Harp. It is obvious the orc wants to say something, but is unsure of how to start.

"Kal, do you remember that night in the alleyway back in Bodentown?" A quick nod from Kal confirms he does. "Well, I was never able to thank you properly for that. If you had not been there, I would probably have been fodder for one of those Blood Hulks things Faldor was making."

Still not knowing where this was headed, Kal responds "It was unusual for one who seeks good to go out about at night in that town. I was *concerned*", leaving the subject of his concern open.

"Well, we never got a real chance to talk about why I was out." With that, Harp gives a brief account of Thanga and his involvement with her. " I just wanted to see her one more time before we left. I've.... I've never had a girlfriend before. The embarrassment Harp feels is obvious. " All I wanted to do was see her, and instead I almost got both of us killed. That was a grave mistake on my part. Had it just been my life, the results would have been even with the poor decision. But, it almost cost you your life as well. In fact, if it had not been for you, I would have died. I owe you my life."

Kal is somewhat taken aback. He had not expected such honesty from Harp. They had not broached the subject since that night. "Harp, I was concerned about a member of our party. If Ragnar or Ran had left, I would also have been worried." The unspoken thought that he had been worried that Harp was selling them out was left hanging in the air.

Harp replies "It doesn't matter. I was the one who left, you were the one who followed. You were the one who saved me. I owe you my life. Anglewing agrees with what I have said. I have asked you hear to this Chapel, so that when I make the offer I am about to make, you will know the seriousness with which I make it.

There is in our Order a blessing that is available to me. This blessing allows me to assist one other person. This blessing will make that person less vulnerable to damage, and able to resist other attacks a little better. It does have some limitations - there is a matching set of rings we must wear, there is a time limitation, the two people so warded must stay within a certain distance of each other. But, within these guidelines, this blessing is very potent. My offer to you is this - I will prepare this blessing each day. Upon your request, I will pray for it so that you may benefit from it. I will do this asking nothing in return from you. It is the least I can do."

Kal's eyes open wider in surprise. Didn't Harp realize that he had followed him because he had been suspicious of him? Because he did not trust the 1/2 orc? Harp felt a debt over something that had been brought about because of his lack of trust in the orc? Kal had to set him straight.

"Harp, when I said I followed you because I was concerned, I was being very careful in my words. I was concerned that you were sneaking out to turn us over to Faldor's men. I did not trust you, as I do not trust those of your race. The fact that we were attacked right then was sheer coincidence, nothing more. That does not justify what you offer." But, the idea of having some extra protection in the middle of a battle was very attractive. He just could not take it based on a a false belief of another.

"Kal, why you followed me does not matter. I made a decision, it was a poor one. Had you not followed me, for whatever reason, I would be dead. There is no question about that. I owe you my life whether I like you or not. That debt must be paid. This blessing is not one that we normally share outside of the Order. However, I have discussed this with Angelwing, and he is in agreement. If you will accept, I will provide this blessing for you. If you decline, I will have to find some other way to try and pay you back, a way that may not be as useful to you."

Kal thinks for a moment. Harp now knew his true reason for following him, but still he proposed this offer. And, he was making this offer with full knowledge and approval of his Order, and he was making it here in his place of worship. There was no way the Battle Lord would have allowed falsehood to be uttered in this place, that much Kal was sure of. Could he accept what had been offered???

OOC: I will try to finish this up tomorrow during the day.