An early morning trip, pt 3

From: Mark

Subject: An early morning trip, pt 3

Ally holds out his hands and the other two grab hold. The mage starts off at a brisk walk. Ragnar is as quiet as he can be, but his heavy tread can still be heard beneath the rustle of Ran's fine chain mail shirt. The metal links whisper as the ½ elf moves. Ally lead the three quickly down the road towards a small group of dwarves pushing a bunch of wheeled trays ahead of them. The three take up stride along side of the trays, using the noise of the carts to mask their own sound.

The dwarves pushing the trays are challenged by the guards at the gate, but it is obvious that this is a daily routine. The guards make a cursory inspection of the food, one even making a comment on how the Ambassador from Fornax could eat what they have prepared for him. The three carts are waived through the check point and the three companions keep pace. They follow the carts and are soon on the street where the Embassy's are. The three recognize the state colors that Surin had told them about and follow the dwarf whose cart heads towards Bhyo. The guards outside the Embassy make another check of the cart before passing it through. The boisterous greetings and talk of the dwarves masks any noise Ran's armor might be making or Ragnar's heavy tread.

The dwarf wheels the cart up into the building, up a short incline and into the building complex proper. As they follow the companions see several doors and rooms, all staffed with dwarves hard at work. The cart works its way back, deeper and deeper into the complex. 3 times the cart is stopped at check points and inspected. Each time the guards wave the cart through and the companions follow. Ally is starting to get nervous that his spell will wear off when the dwarf stops in front of a door and bangs on it. With out waiting for a reply the dwarf yells "My Lady, your breakfast is here." From the other side of the door comes a faint voice "Well just don't stand there, bring it in and set it up. I'll be right out."

The dwarf pulls out a large stone key and unlocks the door. It swings into the room and he pushes the cart into the room. He stops by a medium sized wooden table and starts to unload the food. He sets a large pitcher on the table along with the food and speaks loudly "Your Ladyship, the food is on the table. Do you require anything else?" The Lady's voice comes wafting out from further back in the set of rooms "No, that will be all." The dwarf turns and leaves the room, locking the door behind him as he goes. Ragnar notices that the lock can be worked from both sides. The normal chill of the warrens has been overcome by several hot glowing stones places around the room.

All three of the companions are startled when the Lady walks out into the room, obviously having just left her bath. Her blond hair is wet and she is wearing a flimsy pale blue silk robe that does almost nothing to cove her figure. Ran and Ally both revise their opinion of the Lady. She must have been a lady of unusual beauty in her day and she is still a stunning figure of a woman.

OODM: Ok what do you do? The spell has about a minute left before it runs out.

From: Josh

Subject: An early morning trip, pt 3

Ahahaha. This is gonna be great. Kal warned you guys! ;-)

From: Derek

Subject: An early morning trip, pt 3

Allistair points to Ran and then moves his fingers and thumb together to pantomime talking, indicating that Ran should talk first.