Harp and Kal, pt3

From: Mark

Subject: waiting on things

I am still waiting to hear from Mund/Ally how Galeheart can win back his money.

I am trying to work on Kal/Harp now.

From: Mark

Subject: Harp and Kal, pt3

Kal turns to Bordin and gives him a respectful nod. "I thank you for the contest. It is not often that a Bladesinger gets a chance to test his worth against the skills of the dwarves." The murmuring of the crowd stops when Kal speaks. Bordin turns to Harp and asks quietly "Are you telling me that this elf is a Bladesinger?" Harp stop collecting his winnings and turns to the dwarf "Well, yes he is. Does that make a difference?"

"A difference?" Bordin almost sputters. "By Moradain's Hammer, of course it does. You would have had to offer better odds. Every one knows those elf dancers are almost impossible to touch. They're like the wind. Hell, I bet King Barden couldn't have touched him." A grumble goes up from the crowd of dwarves around them.

From: Kevin

Subject: Harp and Kal, pt3

Harp looks a bit chagrined (OOC: even though he can't spell it, he can look it). "I didn't mean to hide anything. I didn't know that being a bladesinger would mean so much. I'll tell you what, with my friends approval, you can settle the debt with food and drink at the tavern of your choice. How about it?"