
The other night I forgot to make Eva clean up her toys before she went to bed, so I asked Jason to put them away for me. Then when I went to check on the job he'd done, I found this. Fortunately, he does appear to understand the difference between real babies and toy ones.



Jason prefers to play with Eva's hand-me-downs. Eva prefers to play with boxes. Somehow it all seems to work out. For now.



Eva was very excited to show me this when I got home the other day. I don't know, I think she might like Elmo, or something.

10:57 PM

10:57 PM

I check on the kids every night on my way to bed, and I'm often surprised at their sleeping positions. Which is kind of odd, come to think of it, since I can remember doing things like this when I was young. Even when I was not that young.

Family Time

Family Time

Children acting like adults is cute and another huge photographic cliche. What strikes me about this picture is not the phone--well, not just the phone--but her gesture and expression and body language. She fits right in with her mom and aunt.


I don't imagine it was all that long ago that fresh blueberries in February would have been unusual. I can't even get Jason to understand that not all television is on-demand, though, so I guess I'll just have to let this one go.


Whenever it rains I start trying to be Saul Leiter. Unsurprisingly--my not being Saul Leiter and all--the results don't measure up, but in any event they're sometimes cute.



We took the kids to see Disney on Ice this weekend. To be honest, I'm ambivalent about the whole princess thing. I suppose it might seem odd to the more old-fashioned set, but it bugs me a lot more that Eva is starting to show interest in princesses than that Jason does (and has for quite some time now). There's a certain feeling of inevitability, though.



One of the things that strikes everyone about Eva is how good-natured she is. Yesterday, for example, the pediatrician commented that she was the happiest double-ear-infection patient she'd ever seen. Still, as she's gotten older she's gotten opinionated about a few things, which occasionally leads to scenes like this one. They're all the more remarkable for how rare they are.

Sick Day

Sick Day

Well, it happened: everyone in the house has the flu. Eva held out the longest, but this morning she started leaking from the nose just like the rest of us. All things considered, she's taking it pretty well.