

"You know, one thing that I don't love about a lot of the pictures you've been taking of Eva is that she's got her pacifier in her mouth in almost every one."

"Well, yeah. She has it in her mouth in the pictures because that's what she looks like right now. She just has it in most of the time."

"Maybe we need to work on that."

"Yeah, I guess we do."

Short Rest

Short Rest

Playing in that Exersaucer is hard work--sometimes you need to take a little break and put your head down.

Laundry Day

Laundry Day

I sure hope the next place we live--wherever and whenever that might be--gets light like this in the mornings.

Pictures from Preschool

This year for Teacher Appreciation Week, I decided to be a bit more organic than last year's interview:



Not the most responsible sort of picture to be taking, I admit. The light was red, so you know.



I think she looks a lot like my baby pictures sometimes. Except with blue eyes.


Babies do weird things with their hands when they sleep. At least, mine do.


I started shooting film again this week for the first time since college. Unfortunately, that means I will have to take a bit of a hiatus from posting until I finish my first rolls and get them developed. Should be interesting.

Everything Nice

I don't know if all little girls are made of sugar and spice. But this one? She is.

The Difference Between Jason and Eva

When Jason was a baby and the sun got in his eyes, he would cry in pain and frustration. He would thrash around, straining against the straps of his car seat--usually this happened in the car, you see--and shout things like "No, sun! Ahhh! That hurts my eyes!" Juliette and I would explain, again and again, that he should close his eyes and look the other way, but he would stubbornly refuse.

"Just look the other way, buddy.  It won't hurt if you don't look at it."


"Just look the othe way."

"No, it won't feel better! No!"

At which point we would calmly inform him that we were done talking about that.

After over three years of coaxing and explaining, and praising him whenever he did look away, he finally got it, and now it's not a problem anymore. Usually.

The first time I looked into my rearview and noticed the sun in Eva's eyes, she closed her eyes and turned her head. She was less than two months old.

I'd say that about sums it  up, right there.

Bright Baby Blues

I can't fully articulate how strange and wonderful it is to me that both of my babies have had blue eyes.