Jason at the Reunion

Jason at the Reunion

Why, yes, Jason is wearing two nametags. Your guess is as good as mine as to why.

Nikon D40, Nikkor 55-200mm VR @ 55mm
f/4, 1/125, ISO 200



This past weekend we drove up to Salinas for the Sakasegawa family reunion. One of my dad's cousins had recently lost his mother, and partially in tribute to her, he had a bunch of her old family photos enlarged and brought them to the event. There were a bunch of pictures of my dad's generation as children, and their parents as young adults. This one is my great grandfather, Seimon Sakasegawa.

It's such a strange and fascinating experience to see photos like this. When I look at this picture, I can see echoes of my grandfather's face, as well as his youngest brother's. I never knew Seimon—he died in 1948, before either of my parents was born—but, seeing his face, there's still a familiar feeling there.


Nikon D40, Nikkor 55-200mm VR @ 55mm
f/4, 1/125, ISO 200

The ABCs of Canada

"N is for Niagara Falls. Hear the roar of the water..."

"Why did you say 'roar'?"

"Because the water makes a loud noise."

"Is there a lion in the water?"

"No, it's just that waterfalls are very loud and the noise they make kind of sounds like a roar."


(I'm kind of disappointed, too. A lion in the water would be a much cooler explanation.)

Jason and His Hairy Brother

Jason and His Hairy Brother

This week at Jason's daycare they are learning about pets, as part of which they've asked us parents to bring in a picture of our kids with their family pets. That seems like it should be pretty easy, but let me tell you, Cooper has a black belt in looking away from the camera at the last second. It's some serious Remo Williams*-type stuff. Between that and trying to get Jason to sit still, this photo is nothing short of amazing.


* For those of you who, unlike my brother and I, don't have an affinity for cheesy 80's action flicks, this is a reference to a 1985 movie about a super agent who learns, among other things, how to dodge bullets by watching the muscles in the shooter's trigger finger.


Nikon D40, Nikkor 35mm f/1.8 DX
f/5.6, 1/125, ISO 200



We had some friends over on Saturday and when it was time to put the kids to bed* it turned out that Jason and his friend E had the same pajamas. This initially caused some consternation as Jason thought that E had taken his pajamas, but when it was revealed that there were actually two identical pairs, both boys became very excited. When we suggested taking their picture, they got even more excited. Which, as you can see, lasted about as long as it took me to retrieve my camera.


* I always used to get so jealous of my parents and their friends when they got to stay up late and have fun. It's interesting being on the other side of that now.


Nikon D40 and Nikkor 35mm f/1.8 DX
f/2.8, 1/125, ISO 200
On-camera Vivitar DF-383 @ TTL, bounced from ceiling

A Dry Day

A Dry Day

You see this face? This is the face of a boy who has gone an entire day without a potty accident.

Best. Day. Ever.


Nikon D40, Nikkor 35mm f/1.8 DX
f/2, 1/60, ISO 200
On-camera Vivitar DF-383 @ TTL

Karate Kids

Karate Kids

Usually when I think of Jason these days I think about how well he speaks or how much different he is from a year ago. I think about how he's not a baby anymore, and it makes me a little wistful. So I forget sometimes just how little he still is.

He had some trouble keeping up at his dance recital this weekend, but, perhaps because he's so little, he ended up getting the biggest cheers of any of the boys in his group. I got a little choked up at that, I admit.


Nikon D40, Nikkor 55-200mm VR DX @ 70mm
f/4.2, 1/125, ISO 1600

I'm Batman

"I'm Batman."

"You're Batman."

"Yeah. I'm Batman. You're Spiderman."

"I'm Spiderman?"

"And Mommy is... corn."

Kung Fu Fighting

Kung Fu Fighting

Jason had his first big dance recital this weekend. He was pretty excited about it, as you can see.


Nikon D40, Nikkor 35mm f/1.8 DX
f/1.8, 1/400, ISO 200

Yeah Baby

Yeah Baby

Where you been all my life?


Nikon D40, Nikkor 55-200mm VR DX @ 92mm
f/5.6, 1/125, ISO 200