

I'm not sure Jason really understands basketball. Then again, neither do I.



More and more when I look at my son--and remember being a child, myself--I think that it may be the natural state of boys to be, in their hearts, warriors.

Ninja Attack

Ninja Attack

When I was a kid I used to like taking things apart. Toys, ballpoint pens, remote controls, my mom's car stereo--you know, whatever came to hand. So far Jason doesn't seem to have inherited this trait, except when it comes to Lego constructions that his parents or grandparents put together for him.



On Saturday when we were hanging out in the garage, I asked Jason if I could take his picture. He said yes, and then got up and did this. I don't recall ever asking him to stand like that in his life.

It's funny how variable his reaction to being photographed is. When he's not in the mood, he hides or scowls. But when he's on, he's on.



From Christmas. Even at the times I am most vexed by Jason's childishness--trying to get him to take his medicine tonight, for example--I am still grateful for the ways in which he is a child. We have actual conversations nowadays, and I can already feel him bursting at the seams to be taken seriously. He's just like I was at his age. I wonder if that will last.

Sick Day

Sick Day

Well, it happened: everyone in the house has the flu. Eva held out the longest, but this morning she started leaking from the nose just like the rest of us. All things considered, she's taking it pretty well.

Red Vine

Red Vine

This one is from November, when we were back home for my aunt's wedding. I apparently forgot to mention to Jason that one typically doesn't eat snacks during a wedding ceremony. Well, I suppose he can still get away with it for a little while longer.



Jason found himself the recipient of some unwanted attention when we went to the zoo this weekend. All in all, he handled himself pretty well.



I don't remember whether Jason was hiding his face from the camera or whether he was just lying down because he felt like it. Maybe it was both.



I don't know exactly where or when Jason learned the word "fortress." It's possible that little boys are just born with it imprinted on their chromosomes.