Arts and Crafts


Jason can be a pretty good listener when he wants to be. When we're at an Easter party at our friends' house and it's time to learn how to do a new craft, he's all ears. When it's time for him to go to sleep, not so much.



Popcorn stains on his lap (we had just gotten out of a movie), scuffed up knees, midriff bared by his raised arms, stern visage. Yep, if he says he's Superman, it's good enough for me. (The curl on his forehead, now that's just the icing on the cake.)

Pictures from Preschool

This year for Teacher Appreciation Week, I decided to be a bit more organic than last year's interview:

At the Park

At the Park

Jason is walking over to pick up that big rock so he can throw it. Just so you know.

Jelly Beans

The jelly beans go in there.

Dirt Angel

Dirt Angel

"Daddy, daddy, look at this!"

"OK, what do you want me to see? Oh, OK. You're making... dirt angels. That's very nice. But I don't think Mommy would like you to be getting that dirty."

Vertical Blinds

Vertical Blinds

We keep telling him not to play in the blinds. I guess the message gets a little diluted when I stop to take a picture first, though.



Lately Jason has become a bit more camera shy. Though, trying to avoid being in a picture is sometimes a lot of fun for him.



Don't worry, the snake is made of rubber. The only way it could hurt him is if he happened to hit himself in the face with it. Which he did, actually.



One of the weird things about shooting film again is that a lot more time passes between when I take the picture and when I see it. It's harder to remember exactly what was happening at the time, or even what day it was.

What I remember here is asking Jason if I could take his picture, and him agreeing. I remember him being silly right before the shot, but I don't know exactly what happened between that and when I clicked the shutter. His pose looks like he's just relaxing, but his expression looks a little curious and a little guarded. I wish I could ever really know what he's thinking. It's probably best that I can't.