Last Exit Reading

A banner for the July 27th reading at Last Exit

Some exciting news! I'm going to be reading a couple of my poems at the next Last Exit event, on July 27. The line-up for the evening is pretty freaking amazing, if I do say so myself: Kristen Arnett, Tommy Pico, Sarah Rose Etter, and Lilliam Rivera will all be there. If you're going to be in the San Diego area, come check it out. It's free!

New KTCO: Ashly Stohl

It's funny, so often I find myself going to an artist's or author's website and getting irritated that there are no recent updates about their work, no news about new publications, no links to interviews or press coverage. These are things that I am always looking for when I'm doing research for an upcoming podcast episode or even when I just want to do a deep dive into the archive of an artist I admire. And yet, of course, on my own website the blog languishes for months at a time with nary a whisper of the things I've been up to. Presumably, if you're bothering to look at my website, you'd want to know what I'm doing, yes? So I'm going to try to commit to more regular updates.

Speaking of which, there's a new episode of Keep the Channel Open up today, featuring my conversation with photographer Ashly Stohl! I've long admired Ashly's work and not only because we both make images of our families—she brings a visual aesthetic to the genre that I don't often see, more influenced by street and documentary photography than by portraiture. And humor! So often that's missing from personal work, or just art in general. We talked about her books Charth Vader and The Days & Years, about artistic collaborations, about how to sequence a photo series, and about the difference between New York and LA. I hope you enjoy it!

New Book!

As some of you may know, I've been working on a small edition of handmade artists books for my series "Sheets: A Love Letter." I'm still finishing work on that set of books, and I'm very pleased with how they're turning out. The one problem with handmade books, though, is that due to production costs and the amount of labor involved in making each one, I can't make them as affordable as I'd like. So, following up on a suggestion I got from Aline Smithson at a portfolio review last fall, I've decided to self-publish a softcover version of the book.

The new softcover book was designed by me and printed by Edition One Books, who were very easy to work with; I would definitely recommend them for anyone looking to for a short-run printer. The edition is 100 books, and each will be signed and numbered.

If you'd like to buy one, you can pop over to my online store, where they're available for $25 each. Patreon subscribers at any level also get 20% off, so don't forget to use your discount code when checking out if you're a subscriber.

A few more detail shots will follow at the end of the post. Thanks so much to all of you who have supported me over the years. It really means a lot to me.

Color #63

Having taken a little time off to regroup, I've decided to start up my print sales again. This month I am tweaking the format a bit: as before, each month I'll offer a new print. However, I'll no longer automatically be taking the print down at the end of the month. Depending on how it's going, I may keep a print going for a few extra days, months, or even make it available permanently.

Additionally, I'll be offering each print in a selection of sizes and price points. All prints will be in an open edition, but signed and numbered.

This month I'm offering a new one from my "Wash Before Next Use" series, creatively titled "Color #63." Check out my prints page for all of the details.

New Site Design

In case you were wondering about what motivated this latest layout change, it was about equal parts boredom and a desire to look more like a "real" photographer.

It's been interesting looking back at the various incarnations of this site over the years. It's been a lot of different things at different times as my interests and goals have changed. It's been a link dump, a community site, a collaborative writing system, an RPG tools repository, and a more standard blog. I don't know what it will be five years from now, or even two, but I'm looking forward to finding out.

Minor Changes

You may have noticed that the "Daily Photo" and "Reviews" links are gone from the nav bar. Don't worry, all the content is still there. I just decided that it didn't make sense anymore to have three separate sections, so I combined them into a single, unified blog. All the old URLs should still work.

2013 Print Sale

Last year's print sale went fairly well, so I've decided to have another one. For this year's sale, I've selected a completely new set of images, all shot within the past year.

Flag Untitled Jacaranda
San Diego, CA
San Diego, CA
San Diego, CA
Sinuous Blue Hawkbit
San Diego, CA
San Diego, CA
from series "Quality Time"
Flower Hold Fast Easter Dress
from series "Quality Time"
Hold Fast
from series "Quality Time"
Easter Dress
from series "Quality Time"
Least Resistance Skeleton Village Pizzeria
Least Resistance
Monterey, CA
Big Sur, CA
Village Pizzeria
Carmel Valley, CA
from series "It Forgets You"
The Octopus Tree Pfeiffer Ridge Moon
The Octopus Tree
Carmel Valley, CA
from series "It Forgets You"
Pfeiffer Ridge
Big Sur, CA
from series "Wash Before Next Use"
Stardust The Home Place April Showers
from series "Wash Before Next Use"
The Home Place
Catawba, VA
April Showers
Catawba, VA

The details:

  • Prints are available on two sheet sizes: 8" x 10" and 16" x 20".
  • 8" x 10" prints are $100
  • 16" x 20" prints are $300
  • All prints are archival inkjet prints on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag 308 paper (matte finish)
  • Prints are signed and numbered, with edition number noted. (see below)
  • Prints are not mounted or framed.
  • Domestic shipping via UPS is included in the price.
  • International shipping is available at an additional cost.
  • Orders shipped to California addresses will have state and local sales tax applied.
  • Orders must be paid via Paypal.
  • Rather than printing and shipping each order as it comes in, I'll be collecting orders through September 30 and then submitting the entire run to the printer at once. I expect orders will start shipping in the second week of October.

A note about editions: All of these images are new and have not been sold before. This will be an open edition--I will print as many of each image as are ordered, then the edition will be closed. However, I may offer subsequent editions of any of these images in the future. To distinguish this edition from any potential future edition, these will be marked "1st edition" along with the edition date and print number within the edition. Also, the two sizes available constitute separate editions, so the numbering will be separate for each size.

[Ordering info removed.]

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Layout Changes

I've made a few more changes to the site layout, mainly in order to better accommodate mobile browsing. (For those of you who are into the design side of things, I've switched from my old static, fixed-width layout to a responsive layout, using the 1140 CSS Grid framework.) If you normally view the site on a large monitor, the differences should be fairly minor, but hopefully things will look better on small monitors and on phones.

As always, let me know if you encounter any problems. There are a few bugs I'm working out with the photo galleries--which are going to undergo a complete overhaul in the near future anyway--but apart from that everything should be working. One note: you may need to refresh your browser in order to properly load the new layout.

Print Sale

[Editor's Note: I've pinned this post to the front page for the duration of the sale, but new updates will continue to be posted below.]

For the first time ever, I've decided to hold a print sale. From today through the end of the month I'll be offering the 18 images you see below, so if you've ever thought to yourself "Hey, I really wish I could own a Mike Sakasegawa print," now's your chance. I'm including images from several ongoing series as well as a bunch of singles. (Note: you can click on each image to see a larger version.)

Halo Lake Morena Frog Pond
Big Sur, CA
10" x 15" on 12" x 18" sheet
Lake Morena
Lake Morena, CA
10" x 12.5" on 12" x 16" sheet
Frog Pond
Shutesbury, MA
10" x 12.5" on 12" x 16" sheet
Well Worn Garden Sand
Well Worn
Shutesbury, MA
10" x 15" on 12" x 18" sheet
Carmel Valley, CA
10" x 15" on 12" x 18" sheet
La Jolla, CA
10" x 12.5" on 12" x 16" sheet
Sunbeam Into the Blue Again Doctor's Office
Big Sur, CA
10" x 15" on 12" x 18" sheet
Into the Blue Again
From Series "Quality Time"
10" x 10" on 12" x 12" sheet
Doctor's Office
From Series "Quality Time"
10" x 13.3" on 12" x 16" sheet
Just Keep Swimming Socks (Jason) Sweater (Juliette)
Just Keep Swimming
From Series "Quality Time"
10" x 15" on 12" x 18" sheet
Socks (Jason)
From Series "You Were Here"
10" x 15" on 12" x 18" sheet
Sweater (Juliette)
From Series "You Were Here"
10" x 15" on 12" x 18" sheet
Untitled Untitled Cherry Pits
Del Mar, CA
10" x 15" on 12" x 18" sheet
Carmel Valley, CA
From Series "It Forgets You"
10" x 15" on 12" x 18" sheet
Cherry Pits
10" x 15" on 12" x 18" sheet
Silver Folding Bars
Sorrento Valley, San Diego, CA
From Series "Stochasm"
10" x 15" on 12" x 18" sheet
La Jolla, CA
From Series "Stochasm"
10" x 15" on 12" x 18" sheet
Big Sur, CA
From Series "Stochasm"
10" x 15" on 12" x 18" sheet

The details:

  • Prints are digital C-prints, sized as noted above, on Fuji Crystal Archive paper.
  • Prints are signed, uneditioned, and unmounted.
  • All prints are priced at $60 US.
  • Orders that will be shipped to California addresses will have sales tax applied.
  • Domestic shipping via UPS is included in the price.
  • International shipping is available at additional cost.
  • Orders must be paid via PayPal.
  • Rather than printing and shipping each order as it comes in, I'll be collecting orders through August 31 and then submitting the entire run to the printer at once. I expect orders will start shipping in the second week of September.

[Ordering info removed.]

Looking forward to hearing from you!

New Layout

As you may have noticed, I've made some changes to the site design.  I've been wanting to do this for a while now, partially in order to better feature my photos, but also just because the old design was feeling kind of stale.  The changes are almost entirely cosmetic, but, as always, if you find that something isn't working properly, please let me know.  You can find my email address on the "About" page.