Year in Review

In 2012, I shot 2759 frames of personal photography. That is, I kept that many frames--I actually shot a great deal more. Most likely that's too many, and it would probably be wise for me to go back through the year's photos and trim the collection a bit. Before I do that, though, I thought it would be fun to take a quick walk down memory lane with a selection of my favorites from the past year.

As it happened, going through my photo library, I found rather a lot that I loved. I tried to keep the set as concise as possible, but I still ended up with 35 pictures that I adored too much to leave them out. Perhaps my internal editor still needs more discipline, but then, this isn't meant to be the set of my best photos of the year, just of the ones I liked most. Some of these I've posted before, some I haven't. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

In roughly chronological order:



Pink Eye

Doctor's Office

Easter Morning





Sweater (Juliette)

Short Rest

Just Keep Swimming

Watching TV

Fatherhood Is...










Hold Fast

Least Resistance



Baby girl, why are you under the table? Are you hiding, out of fear or fun? Are you kneeling in prayer? Are you resting your head, weary from the exertions of being a one-year-old? Or perhaps you're taking cover from an earthquake or Mayan apocalypse.

Ah, I see. No, you're just getting your feet set so you can stand. You're on your way up.

Least Resistance

Least Resistance

While we were back home visiting last month, Juliette and I took the kids to Dennis the Menace Park, one of my favorite playgrounds when I was a kid. It had rained the night before, and little rivulets ran down a tall plastic slide in the middle of the park. It had been a metal slide when I was young, wide enough for three or four kids at once, and fast with two humps that ran down the side of the hill. I heard that someone decided that the metal got too hot in the summer, and replaced it out of worries over burned legs--something that somehow never seemed to happen to any of us, back when.

Jason, of course, didn't know any of that, and wouldn't have cared if he did. He only cared that the slide was slow, and that his bottom got wet.



I don't know exactly where or when Jason learned the word "fortress." It's possible that little boys are just born with it imprinted on their chromosomes.



I'm finally going through the pile of photos from my trip home last month. This one popped out at me immediately. I don't think it's right to say that I love my kids more when they're asleep, but there's certainly something compelling about seeing them so peaceful.



I apologize for the long delay. I've been a bit under the weather, but I seem to be getting better. While I've been away, Eva has decided that it's time for her to start using utensils.



One of the exhibits at the New Children's Museum involves a big, jungle-gym-ish sculpture, a large funhouse mirror, and "beastly" costumes that the kids can put on. I'm not sure exactly what the lesson is in terms of art or environmentalism (the two big themes at the museum) but, anyway, Jason liked it.

Children's Museum

Children's Museum

One of the comments I got at the Medium Festival portfolio reviews was that the reviewer felt like she wanted to see me try to make some "less perfect" images. This one is pretty outside my usual style, with the harsh lighting and looser composition. It's not as traditionally "beautiful" as what I usually do. I kind of like it, but I'm not sure it feels like me.

Hold Fast

Hold Fast

It's funny how a silly little moment--filling up a squirt toy in the bath--can yield images that feel calm and contemplative. It really wasn't like that at all.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

I know it's not Thanksgiving yet. But if it's OK for the Hallmark Channel to start playing Christmas movies, then it's OK for me to post this. Harrumph.