

Sometimes after a few minutes of having your dad push you on the swing, you need a little break to have a drink and let the batteries recharge a bit.

Easter Morning

Different generations, similar sensibilities about appropriate attire for the front lawn.



I think she looks a lot like my baby pictures sometimes. Except with blue eyes.



This is what my life looks like, I think. Messy, but beautiful.



The fact that he has gotten out of bed does not necessarily mean that Jason is done with his nap.


Babies do weird things with their hands when they sleep. At least, mine do.


I started shooting film again this week for the first time since college. Unfortunately, that means I will have to take a bit of a hiatus from posting until I finish my first rolls and get them developed. Should be interesting.

Life of the Party

It's important to take breaks during parties in order to rest and re-energize.


The wildflowers in my aunt's garden have apparently loved all the rain they've been getting lately.

Happy 60th

My aunts threw a party for my dad's birthday this weekend. This is what he looked like in 1952. I see a bit of my daughter in that smile.

When I was a kid, 60 seemed impossibly old. It still sounds older to my ears than what I see when I look at my dad. I'm glad I got to be with him for his birthday.

Go For Broke

My grandfather, along with the other members of the 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd Regimental Combat Team, was recently awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. Unfortunately, he didn't live to see it—he died in 2007 at the age of 90. I think it would have made him happy.