Finding a gem

From: Mark

Subject Finding a gem

Yes. The two groups are Salix,Ally, Surin and Kal with the other being Harp, Ragnar, Mund and Ran.

From: Josh

Subject Finding a gem

Alright. Kal is interested in finding pearls as well.

From: Mark

Subjet: Turn

I knew the slow period could not last.

I will get a turn out tonight, probably between 7:30 and 9.

From: Ashley

Subject Finding a gem

Surin looks carefully down the street, taking stock of the different storefronts, giving the occasional guard or storekeeper a friendly wave. He looks for a larger store with a guard posted in front. If he sees one down the street, he'll turn to the rest. "This place'll definetely have the pearls we're looking for, though I'd suggest you keep your eyes open. If they've posted a guard, it means they haven't paid protection money to the Thieves' guild, so any of the wares, or anything the patrons are carrying, are considered fair game." If they find such a place Surin will browse the shop, keeping his eye out for anyone who could be a guild member.

From: Derek

Subject Finding a gem

"I'll go in with you, Surin, and I think I'll stay close to you."

At the Merc Guild

From: Mark

Subject Turn

Sorry I did not get anything out last night, half the family is sick and since I am not one of them, I get to take care of them. I am not sure if I will get anything done during the day today, but I should be able to get something done tonight after I finish the Christmas shopping.

From: Josh

Subject Turn

If you got sick we would have had a turn?

You know what your job is Kevin.

From: Mark

Subject At the Merc Guild

Mund thanks the man and the four head up the street following the instructions they were given. With in ten minutes they are standing across the street of a fairly large building. It is made of wood and has a large front door. The door has iron bars across the window in the middle and iron straps every couple of feet. It is a fairly imposing door but it is open at the moment. There is a steady stream of men, and the occasional woman, going in and out of the building. Most of them are human, but there is a large percentage of 1/2 orcs with the occasional dwarf. Every now and then a larger group of 4-6 will enter or leave the guild, obviously a party going off or getting back from a job.

After about 10 minutes of watching Mund turns to the others "Well this looks like the place. If you fella's don't mind, let me do the talk'n. I've been in places like this before. Try and play along if I start something and don't be surprised at anything I do." The others nod agreement with a bit of bafflement in their eyes. "Ok, lets go" the barbarian says. He leads them up the stairs and through the front door. When they enter the building they find themselves in a large room. Well armed men and women stand around in pairs and small groups. Mund nudges one of the men by the door "Hey, who do we see about work?" The man looks at him with flash of anger but seeing the barbarian and his three friends behind him quickly brings out his civil side. "Horatio over there is in charge today. He's the guy to see." Mund looks in the direction that the man is pointing and behind a group of mean looking mercenaries sits a small man.

OODM: Ok how do you four want to approach Horatio?

From: Kevin

Subject At the Merc Guild

Let Mund take the lead??

Looking for work

From: Mark

Subject Today

My office has their Christmas party today from 12-4, so do not expect anything this afternoon. I will probably get something out for Salix et al this evening.

From: Porter

Subject At the Merc Guild

OOC: You say Mund's been in this kind of place before. How do they work? When he talks to Horatio will they get a chance to choose jobs, haggle over payment, etc., once they step in are they comitted?

From: Mark

Subject At the Merc Guild

Well he has been in Merc halls before. Usually you have to get your name on the list, sign that you agree to the terms of the guild, let them know of any specialties you have or are capable of, and then wait until your name is called. For example, some one might only be willing to work in town. Someone else might be willing to travel. One guy might be great with a bow and a lousy tracker. The customer is always allowed to say no to who ever the guild sends over but that is not a black mark against you.

From: Porter

Subject Looking for work

Mund walks over to Horatio and says "I was told to talk to you about a job. What kinds of work do you have?"

From: Mark

Subject Looking for work

"What are you looking for? In town, out of town, high risk, low risk? You by yourself or got some buddies? You're obviously new here so probably don't have no references. Give me your name and where you can be reached and we will see what we can match. Let you know, you have half an hour from the time you get posted until it goes to the next qualifier. Name?" the little man holds a quill pen in his hand and is prepared to write something in a large book.

From: Kevin

Subject Looking for work

OOC: Porter, Harp would have Mund (and the others) that he is trying to go by the name "Hack" while in town. It just sounds meaner and fits being a 1/2 orc.

Randy out of contact

From: Randy

Subject Out of contact

OOC: I'm going on a course next week and will most likely not get much opportunity to check in. I'll be gone from Sunday afternoon until Thursday night. I also am taking vacation time for the week of Christmas and will probably not be online very much for that week. Ran will go along with whatever the plan is and stay mostly quiet, deferring to Mund and Harp.

From: Mark

Subject Out of contact

Ok thanks for the notice. We might be taking a break between Christmas and New Years, if people want.

At the jewelers

From: Mark

Subject At the jewelers

Surin spends a few minutes surveying the street where it seems many of the jewelers in Bodentown are located. Some of the shops seem very large and others are not so big. Surprisingly enough, the smaller shops seem to be unguarded while the larger shops have at least two or three well armed and armored guards standing out side heavily barred and locked doors. After the halfling has had the party walk up and down the street once, he makes them backtrack to one of the larger stores with three guards out front. He leads the other three right up the to guards. Looking up at the large man in the middle he starts talking "Hi, there. We're here to buy some jewelery. Do we need an appointment?" The man seems a bit stunned by this question but gives an answer "No no appointment needed but only two in the store at a time." Surin looks a bit disconcerted at this reply and Salix steps forward.

"My good man, we are but four humble men looking to buy some trinkets for our women. I understand a limit on armed men in a store such as this but we pose no threat." Salix continues on in his most reassuring voice (Diplomacy,12+9=21, success) and the man starts nodding. A few seconds later the man nods "Ok the four of you can go on in, but if you cause any problem I'm going to run you through." "There will be no problems"Salix assures him, and they enter as the man unlocks the door and holds it open for them. Surin notices that there are actually several very large and very complicated locks on the door.

As they step into the shop they are amazed at the quality of the workmanship on the inside. Everything is wooden panels, marble floors, crystal lamps. The only jarring things are the thick iron bars on all the windows and the door. As they enter a large, heavy set man hustles forward greeting them "Welcome, welcome, how my I, Archen, be of service to you this fine day?"

OODM: You guys can role play this if you want.


From: Josh

Subject at the jewelers

Kal's intersted in some pearls and any magical jewelry he has. I would role play this but I'm at the girlfriends house right now, and I don't have internet at home for the next few days. Sorry.

From: Ashley

Subject At the jewelers

So us four are the only ones in there?

From: Mark

Subject At the jewelers

Yes. Harp, Ragnar, Mund and Ranthir are at the Mercenary Guild.

I will not get anything out tonight. I spent the day installing our fence that we have been working on for over a year. It was in the low 60's here today, which is odd for mid Dec., so we took advantage of it. Now I have to do laundry with our new wash machine.

From: Kevin

Subject Rocks

he got his wife a new rock to pound their clothes with down at the river.

From: Josh

Subject Rocks

Hey Guys, I'm back.

From: Mark

Subject Rocks

Actually it was my parents who got her the new rock for Christmas. And I am the one who does most of the pounding.

Looking for the sparkly

From: Mark

Subject Turn

OK I have been at home most of the afternoon fighting off a cold. I have gotten the archives updated and am going to be working on a turn for the jewelry store. I might also get one for the Merc guild before I head over to Kevins to watch the Bengals beat the Colts.

From: Mark

Subject Shopping for the sparkly

Kal steps forward as the shopkeep approaches and introduces himself. "I am called Kal and I am looking for some jewelry. Maybe something in gold or silver with pearls?" The man nods and leads Kal and Salix over to a display case. Ally and Surin wander around the shop inspecting the store. Surin notes several devices hidden in the cases that look like traps and anti theft devices. The windows are barred, all of the doors have several locks, the ceiling and floor look to be reinforced and the halfling would guess that there are other, more arcane, devices in place as well. Another employee comes out from the back of the store and Surin can see several more large, well armed guards in the back room through the swishing curtain.

The halfling and the mage casually look over the goods in the cases. There are all sorts of types of jewelry in the cases. Precious stone, gold, silver, platinum, solitary stones, finely crafted pieces ranging in size from small to gaudy. "I bet half these pieces" the halfling says " were 'liberated' from their owners at knife point." Ally nods and they continue browsing. Surin also keeps an eye out for any one who might work for the local guild. After a few minutes he decides that no one in the shop is a likely candidate.

Kal and Salix talk with the proprietor. "I am looking for a cloak clasp, or maybe a broach of some sort" says the elf. The man nods knowingly and shows the two a selection of pendants, clasps, broaches and slides. They are made of various metals and gems. "Did you have a price range you were looking to stay in?"

OODM: I will let Kal/Salix play this out.

Ragnar and Surin

From: Jason

Subject At the Merc guild

Sorry I've been so silent recently... Its finals time here. Fortunately I had my two hard finals yesterday, so I should have an easier time keeping up. Just in time for the Christmas to New Years break in the game, perhaps :)

Anyways, right now it looks like we're just following Mund's lead. Ragnar will look for any sign that Horatio is trying to cheat them however (Sense Motive +11)

From: Ashley

Subject Looking for the sparkly

Is jewelry a pretty good commodity in this world? Surin's got a fair amount of cash burning a hole in his pocket. His Appraise isn't the greatest, but can he see any pieces he might be able to sell for a higher price in a different town?

If any of the pieces are magical, he'll consider those as well.

Break, Shhhh-- it's a surprise

From: Mark

Subject Turn

Sorry I have been so remiss in getting turns out.

I think I will be able to write more for both teams this afternoon.

From: Karl

Subject Away

I'm going to be incommunicado after today until probably 1/2/07. I won't be at work (except one day next week) and my PC at home is offline.

If the game isn't on hold yet, and people are waiting for me, Kevin can play Salix.

From: Mark

Subject Break

Well I will see. I was thinking of taking a break until Jan 2. any way.

Does any one have a serious problem with us taking a break until Jan. 2?

I mean Randy is out and Karl are out. That is 1/4 of the players.

From: Ashley

Subject Break

I'll be travelling tomorrow and friday and then I'll be on a dialup modem. I'm fine with taking a break.

From: Kevin

Subject Break

No worries for me, but get one last turn written for both groups before the break.

From: Mark

Subjec: Shhhhh, it's a surprise

Every one keep quiet. The next time Karl posts, jump out and wish him a Happy Birthday.

From: Karl

Subject Shhhhh

But I don't *feel* 40. . .

From: Ashley

Subject Shhhhh

Happy Birthday Karl!!! If you don't *feel* 40, it just means the nerve endings are already wearing out. :P

*runs wild and free in young bones*

From: Karl

Subject Shhhhhh


From: Mark

Subject Shhhhhh

And I don't feel 43 either. At least until I have to work in the yard for 5 hours. Then I feel older.

Happy B-day.

From: Kevin

Subject Shhhhh

Karl, happy birthday as well. Remember, forty is the new 20. So you can't have a drink cause your'e not old enough.

Really, the way my wife feels better on her birthday is to go to the local convenience store and try to buy some alcohol. She gets carded every time.


From: Karl

Subject Shhhhh

Yeah, I've never been carded in my LIFE! (I'm not counting places that card everyone.) And Chris has let his beard grow out showing his completely gray chin whiskers and he *still* gets carded at the bars. Go figure!

From: Mark

Subject Jewelry

Commodity might not be the right phrase. Jewelry is a great was to carry and store value, but it is not very liquid over the short term. What I mean is that to get a high percentage of its value will take a while. If you want cash quick, jewelry can be sold but at a high discount off of its real value.

From: Mark

Subject Horatio speaks

Mund knows that this is common place at the guilds he has been at. He starts giving their names "I'm Mund, the orc is Hack, the dwarf is Ragnar and the elf is Ranthir. We're staying over at the Leaky Mug. Since we are new in town we would be more interested in jobs around town." As the man is writing this down in his book Ran moves up next to Mund and places his hand on the table. "Mr. Horatio, I was wondering if there is any way we might be able to move our names up on the list?"(Diplomacy, 13+2=15, success) When he takes his hand away Mund notices that there is a small stack of gold coins sitting on the table. Horatio looks up and see them as well. His hand, quill still in it, moves up to get more ink and as it passes the coins they disappear. "I will see what I can do" is the reply.

The four hang around the guild for a bit longer, getting an idea of how the system works. It seems like there are two different types of jobs. There are the local guard type jobs and then there are the raider jobs. Groups of mercenaries are hired by merchants to go out and waylay caravans and bring the goods in to be fenced and sold. The raiders have to go at least 50 miles from the city but after that any caravan is free game. Other groups are hired by other merchants to go out and meet caravans and protect them as they head into the city. It seems a poor way to run things, but the fighters don't seem to mind. About an hour before sunset the four head back to the Leaky Mug.

OODM: Tomorrow I will try and get the two partys back to the inn for dinner and then whoever wants to can role play at the inn for the night over the next week or so.

Horatio speaks

From: Josh

Subject Horatio speaks

I say forget the main quest, let's just hang out in this town for the rest of the game and run mercenary quests.

From: Porter

Subject Horatio speaks

Let's join up with a mercenary gang, and then hamstring them and take their stuff.