Intro to Salix and Surin

From: Mark

Subject Intro to Salix and Surin

Salix wiped the froth from his lips and set the ale down on the table. This wasn't the seediest inn in Duocirc, but is had to be close to it. Why had Quarion asked to meet him here? He had finished his recon of the Greenwood Forest just 4 leagues to the east of town and when he had checked the usual place for messages, there had been one from his ranger friend and it told Salix to meet him here. The Sleeping She-Goat was on the outskirts of the capital of Fornax and seemed to traffic in the worst sort of people. There were slavers, bounty hunters, drug dealers, pimps and whores. The slime of humanity. Fornax did not have a problem with this, as long as it got its cut of the profits. The King and his Dukes made sure that they made their cut off the suffering all around them. What was depressing was that so many people were willing to put up with it.

The door from the outside of the bar banged open and another disreputable bum staggered in. He was singing loudly to himself and stumbling his way to the bar. He stumbled over a chair leg and crashed into Salix. Salix could smell the stale beer on the bum's breath, and the stink of flesh not washed for days. He pushed the bum away, yelling at him ?Watch where you?re going, old man.? The drunk, apologizing profusely, weaved his way to the back room of the inn. Salix, knowing a bit about how towns worked, quickly checked his pockets to make sure nothing was missing. To his surprise, everything was there, including something that had not been there before. He gently took out a piece of paper, and in the dim lantern light read it. ?My dear Salix Wealdward, sorry about the unconventional way I had to get you this message, but there is a chance you are being watched and I could not take that risk. Meet me in 1 hour at the fountain three blocks east and 5 blocks north. Your friend, Quarion Smith.?

An hour later finds Salix sitting on the edge of the fountain, waiting for the ranger to show. A few minutes later he sees his friend walk out of an ally and approach. ?I don't have much time. You were not followed, but that may not last. The quicker our business is done the better. First, give me your report on the Greenwood.? Over the next ten minutes Salix does a good job of condensing the last six months into a quick report. When he is done Quarion holds up his hand, signaling for silence. ?You have done well. I have much to think about. However, I have a new task for you. Two actually, but they are related. I need you to find someone and escort them someplace? Are you willing to help?? Salix nods, remembering the words of Stormfather Acer.

?Good?, says Quarion. ?The person you seek is a Halfling by the name of Surin Bitteroot. He is the member of a traveling circus that should be getting to the town of Halburg in Camlost in a few weeks. You should be able to meet him there. When you find him you and he need to get to Gorn, in Shon, as fast as possible. When you get to Gorn, you need to go to the temple keep of the Order of The Silver Sword. Ask for Captain Angelwing. He will get you quarters. Wait for me there. I may even get there before you, but if I don't I should not be too much later than you. I have to go collect some other people. Salix, there are large forces at work in the world, and you and I are about to get messed up in them. Can I count on you??

Salix thinks for a moment and answers ?Yes, as the Stormfather said, I need to learn about the world, and if forces are at work, I might as well be there.? Quarion smiles and slaps Salix on the shoulder. He heads off in a different direction then the one he came in. Salix returns to the inn and gathers his belongings. By night fall he is on his horse and heading east. As he leaves town he whistles once and a great horned owl swoops down and perches on his shoulder. ?Well Noctis, it looks like we will be on the road again. Keep an eye out behind us and make sure we are not followed.? The owl takes off, silent in the night.

It takes Salix three weeks to get to Halburg. It is early morning and he can see the small town from the ridge he is on. Halburg is in the foothills of the SilverPeak mountains. He can see the circus set up on this side of town. Even from this distance he can tell that they are almost done packing up. It looks like he just made it in time. Salix rides down into the valley and approaches one of the Halflings who is busy packing up one of the booths. ?Hail sir Halfling, I am looking for one of your troop. Do you know where I might find a one Surin Bitteroot?? The Halfling looks up at the druid, and squints at him. ?Why would you be looking for Surin, if I might ask?? Salix tells the Halfling part of the truth, ?I have a message from him from an old friend.? The old Halfling thinks for a bit and finally decides. ?He is over there, helping roll up the main tent. Just remember, us circus folks stick together, so if you are of a mind to cause problems, you should think twice.? Salix nods and heads over to the Halfling that was pointed out to him. As he approaches, he sees a young Halfling, barely over 3? tall, with dark hair and dark skin, but with crystal blue eyes. This Halfling stops working on the tent as Salix approaches.

OODM: Ok Jake and Karl, your turn. When you are ready to go to Gorn let me know and I will take over for a bit.


Intros Continue

From: Kevin

Subject Intoducing Harp and Ran-Ell

Harp, unsure of himself, looks around the elevated platform. It seems obvious to him that the young man is praying or performing some type of ritual, something that Harp is vary familiar with. Remembering his teaching - that patience is a virture - he kneels quietly behind the young elf and waits to see if the object of his search will finish soon.

After 15 minutes of waiting and watching, he finally decides to try and be subtle. He clears his throat lightly, trying to gain the elf's attention. Unfortunately, given his ancestory, his effort produces a grunt that sounds more like the mating call of a wild beast. Fear rises up in his heart that he has not only interupted his subject's prayer but may have startled him as well.

Trying to minimize his error, Harp speaks as softly as he can - "Master Ranthir, I bring tidings from your father".

He waits nervously as the elf slowly stands and turns to him.

OOC - Randy, please pardon my feeble prose and stilted action. I am relatively new to this and still tyring to get into the swing of things.


From: Randy

Subject Introducing Harp and Ran-Ell

"I apologize for not acknowledging you sooner but I was in the midst of deep meditation and did not wish to break my focus." Ran states in a calm, almost distracted voice as he seems to look through Harp rather than at him. Ran seems to have barely registered what Harp has said to him as he shows no concern at the mention of his father. "It is Harp is it not? I believe I have seen you before though many years have past since that occasion. What is the news that you have for me that you came all this way?" Ran asks and then before Harp can reply says "No, not now. First we must share a meal with my grandfather and then we may converse. Follow me." Ran starts walking back towards his grandfather's residence without waiting to see if Harp follows.

OOC - Kevin, no worries, I'm new at this too. Everything sounds good so far.


From: Karl

Subject Salix and Surin

"Hail Master Bitteroot," Salix says bowing slightly and looking quickly to see that they are not being overheard. "My name is Salix. Wealdward of the Northern Forest. I bring word from Master Quarion Smith. Can we talk here?"

From: Jake

Subject Salix and Surin

Surin laughs. "Master Bitteroot? May be you're speaking to the wrong man, sir. My father is by the wagons, most likely, seeing to the ponies.

At the mention of Quarion, Surin's eyebrows raise. "Quarion, eh? Well, may be you're speaking to the right man after all then. I don't reckon Master Smith would have much use for my father, if you take my meaning. As for talking here, best not, if your business is private. Never know where a curious ear might be lurking, eh?" With a blur of movement almost too fast for Salix to see, Surin's arm whips out, flinging something, and there is an indignant yelp from immediately behind Salix, followed by a muffled jingle as Salix's coin purse hits the ground. Surin steps forward, scooping up the pouch in one hand and a small, tightly packed leather ball in the other, and hands the pouch back to Salix.

"Go on with you, Kinnit, or I'll be telling Jarl how you got that bruise!" he shouts, and the halfling child pelts away, sucking his fingers where Surin's ball had struck them.

"Sorry about that, sir. Now, you were wantin' a little privacy? I'll be done here in another 15 minutes, and the caravan won't be leaving for at least another hour or two. Say you meet me down at the King's Bitch in half an hour--I'll have a mug of the Copperhead Ale, and wouldn't take offense if you were to order me a mug if you were to get there ahead of me. Take is as a kindness, in fact--breaking camp is thirsty work. We can get ourselves a booth down there, or a room if total privacy is worth a few extra coppers to you."

Harp, Ran-Ell, Salix, and Surin

From: Kevin

Subject Harp and Ran-Ell

Harp, somewhat at a loss, rises to his feet and cautiously follows the young elf back across the rope bridge to the room he had left just a few minutes ago. In it, he sees Ranthir Corron and Gar-Ell talking in muted voices. He notices some similarities between the two, but is unsure if it is a family resemblence or if all elves look so much alike. Unsure of the correct ettiquette (having slowly learned that concept over the past few years), he waits to take his cue from his host.

From: Randy

Subject Harp and Ran-Ell

Ran beckons for Harp to join them at the table and starts serving up a simple meal of bread and vegetable stew. He and his grandfather are very comfortable together and seem to act as if they know eachothers thoughts. They pass seasonings and fill eachothers glasses without requesting and eat without much conversation. Ran seems to notice again that Harp is with them and starts to speak, making small talk about Gorn and seems to avoid mentioning his father. "Harp, how are you faring these days? Have you been in contact with Heronin recently? How long do you plan on staying with us? Oh, and by the way, I would prefer if you referred to me as Ran or Ran-Ell. I no longer go by the name Ranthir Corron." The name is spoken with some noticeable distaste.

From: Karl

Subject Salix and Surin

Salix nods and leave the Halfling to finish his work. He makes his way into town in search of the tavern. "King's Bitch", he says quietly to himself. Well, let's hope they're referring to his dog. . .

The sign over the door doesn't help dispel that question, however, as the image it proudly shows is that of a very buxom wench with a small lap-dog in her arms. Salix can't quite suppress a smile at the joke, but at the same time can't quite keep from blushing, especially when he notices that the wench seems to be winking slyly.

Inside, the place looks rather clean for an establishment of its type, even if the patrons don't. As early as it is, the only three patrons inside are the type that have probably worked just enough in the past few days to fill their cups and, from the looks of them, have emptied them again more times than is wise.

He quietly takes a booth in the far corner of the tavern and sits so he can watch the door. He notices that the adjacent booth are empty, all the patrons apparently not wanting more than a bars width between themselves and the kegs.

A woman with a deeply wrinkled face moves from behind the bar and stands expectantly at Salix's booth. "A pint," he says politely, then remembering he has not eaten since breakfast adds, "And a loaf of bread and some cheese if you have it." The woman nods and hobbles back toward the bar. A moment later she returns with a nice-sized loaf of bread and a generous portion of cheese. Noticing that Surin has entered the tavern, he thanks the woman and asks for a pint of Copperhead Ale for the Halfling.

As Surin sits, Salix motions for him to help himself to the bread and cheese, waiting for him to do so before serving himself. "I have been sent to meet you by Master Quarion, as I said," Salix begins. "We are to leave as soon as possible for Gorn in Shon. We are to meet him at one of the temples there."

He waits to see how this news affects his new acquaintance.

From: Jake

Subject Salix and Surin

Surin says something unintelligible from behind a startlingly large mouthful of bread and cheese. He then holds up one finger, gesturing to Salix to wait a moment. and washes the mouthful down with a good sized swig of Copperhead. He sighs contentedly, then turns his attention back to his companion.

"We're to leave for Gorn? That's Quarion, nothing if not imperious, eh? He say what was so important there in Gorn?"

From: Mark

Subject Intro's

I want to thank Kevin, Karl, Jake and Randy for doing a great job with the intro's. You guys can keep it up until the characters are ready to go or until Jan 13 or so. I would like to have every one in Gorn by Jan 17th so that the real story can begin. :)

For the three that have not been introduced yet, your time is coming. I already have the basics worked out and will hopefully get to it mid next week or when ever Rob and I get to flesh out his character.

Just a couple of reminders. First, please use the addy from now on if you want to contact me directly. I have been unable to access hotmail from home and I will be able to access the erinet addy from work, so I think I will use the erinet one for this.

Second, when you are writing replys, you can delete all of the prior conversation except the one most recent. It makes for shorter e-mails. I hope everyone is having fun so far and that what has been happening is whetting the appitite of the others.


More Intros

From: Karl

Subjent: Salix and Surin

"Well, er, No." Salix responds, considering for the first time that such information might be necessary to persuade the Halfling. After all, Salix had sworn to assist the ranger, so the details of the task at hand were pretty much irrelevant. Master Smith would tell him what he needed to know when the time came and that was good enough. He had to keep reminding himself that not everyone has taken the oaths that he has. Indeed, not everyone keeps the oaths they've taken for that matter. It wasn't the first time since leaving the protection of The Order that he'd caught a glimpse of his own naivety. "Master Smith said only that 'dark forces' were at work and we were about to be caught up in the middle." After a pause, he adds "I imagine he'll fill in the details when we meet him in Gorn."

From: Karl

Subject Distances

How far is Hamlost from Gorn? We can either wrap this up and wait for you, or if Kevin is willing Salix and Surin could get to know one another better on the way between now and 1/13.

From: Mark

Subject Distances

The little town you are in is on the very west edge of Camlost and there is some fairly heavy terrain between there and Gorn. However, I have set it up so that you have several weeks to get to Gorn before the main story starts. The internal calender is not set at this point.

Lets just say every one has enough time to get to Gorn in time for the main story to start. If you and Jake and Kevin and Randy want to spend a few weeks doing this type of role playing, fine by me. I am in no real hurry until the second week in Jan. By then I need to start getting people to Gorn.

From: Jake

Subject Salix and Surin

"Dark forces, eh?" He tears off another hunk of bread and pops it in his mouth, thinking as he chews. When he swallows he says "well, that's not the sort of thing Quarion'd say lightly, I suppose. He didn't tell you anything else? And that was enough for you to just drop what you were doing to hurry to Gorn?" He takes a pull from his mug.

From Karl

Subject Salix and Surin

"Of course," Salix replies. "I've taken an oath to assist Master Smith for as long as he needs me." He pauses a moment considering how he's learned that not everyone takes oaths seriously before adding, "my people do not pledge lightly."

He continues eating in silence for a few minutes, thankful that the bread and cheese seem to be of good quality and in generous portion. More than a few times he'd eaten food in a tavern he'd dare not touch without a purification blessing first. He looks at the Halfling before him with a discerning eye. He looked like someone who could be trusted. His actionback at the circus with the young pick-pocket certainly showed some of that.

"I, um, I've been meaning to thank you for saving my purse back there. It's not much, but it's all I have to last for the next several weeks at least." Salix nods gratitude to his new companion.

After yet a few more moments, he asks, "How is it that you know Master Smith?"

More Intros

From: Jake

Subject Salix and Surin

"Funny story actually, but don't reckon it'd make all that much sense, without a little bit of background information." He holds up a finger again, gesturing for Salix to wait a moment. "Estrella", he says, catching the elderly barmaid as she passes, "a little mutton to go with this bread and cheese, would you?"

He glances down at his nearly empty tankard. "And another round for both of us, I'm thinking."

He turns his attention back to Salix. "Now, where was I? Right, right, how I met Quarion. Well, I' the wealth redistribution business, if you catch my meaning. I'm one of the ones works the crowd while it's busy watching my cousins up on stage. Few years back, though, it got to bothering me. Some of the people, spoiled nobles and the like, sure, no problem. They probably loose more in the cushions of their overstuffed couches every day than they loose to me. Okay, no problems there. Other folk, though, farmers and tradesmen and the like...well, I got to thinking that the coin I took from them probably made a real difference in their lives. They'd feel it if I cleaned them out, you know? Could be some might go to sleep hungry after I'd lightened their purses, and I'll tell you true, that thought bothered me. I'd have just stopped there and then when I got to thinking about it, but my family didn't see it quite the way I did, and I was too smart to think that there'd be a place for me in the wagons if I didn't earn my keep."

"Ah," he says, seeing Estelle heading their way with a platter piled with mutton, "just a minute". Once the barmaid has departed, he goes resumes his story. "As I was saying, I knew my family wouldn't have it if I were to tell them I was out of the thieving business. So, I didn't tell them. I just started taking my redistribution duties a little more serious. I'd pick a rich man's purse, the family would get a fair cut, sure, but I'd hold some for myself, not tell them about it. Created a little pool of coin for myself, used it to tide me over on days when there were too many in the audience needed their money worse than I did.

One day our friend Quarion came to see the show. Must've been in disguise, because he was dressed in rags, or near enough as makes no difference. Thought he was a beggar, to tell you the truth, and a bad one at that. Didn't look like he'd eaten in a week. I thought that I'd do him a favor, so I made my way over to him, started loading his purse with coin. He caught me though." Surin laughs and takes a pull at his Copperhead. You should have seen his face when he realized I'd been slipping money *into* his pouch. Ah, it was priceless. Only time I've ever seen him look surprised, I think. Anyway, he said he owed me a meal, and who am I to turn down food? I ended up liking him more than I thought I would, and every now and then one of us'll do the other one a favor."

From: Karl

Subject Salix and Surin

As Surin mentions working as a pickpocket, Salix feels a glimmer of disgust.

But as the Halfling continues, Salix finds himself warming more and more to his new companion, beginning to sympathize with him. He had met many on his travels who were born to a life lower than they were meant for. Perhaps he had met another one in Surin.

"Well, from the sound of it, Master Smith is asking for a bit more than most people would consider a 'favor'." Salix watches Surin's face carefully.

"But of course it's not my place to question your resolve. I'm just here to deliver the message and travel with you to Gorn, if you are willing." He pauses then continues, "If you *are* willing, we should leave with all haste. What loose ends have you to tie up here? If you could leave in an hour, we could gain a few miles before dark. If you need longer, we should depart at first light."

In the Half-Elf's House

From: Kevin

Subject Harp and Ran-Ell

Harp eats quietly, trying to determine how to respond. Being 1/2 human himself, he understands that there are at times conflicts between the two backgrounds of 1/2 humans. He responds...

"First, I would like to extend my thanks to you and your Grandfather for your hospitality. It is rare enought that my mere presence does not evoke suspicion, if not outright fear. My plan is to not stay long. Knight Capitan Angelwing is the reason for my journey. He personally has asked me to come here and ask you if you would travel with me back to Gorn. There are disturbing things happening, some of which involve your father. I am but a lowly corporal, and not a very good one at that, but my impression was that something is very wrong and Knight Capitan Angelwing would not have sent me on this quest if it was not important. I do not know how familiar you are with the Knight Capitan, though you have called him by his given name, but if you have a knowledge of the type of person he is, then the fact that he sent me with his signet ring will give truth to my story."

Harp takes Angelwing's signet ring from his pocket and places it on the table.

From: Randy

Subject Harp and Ran-Ell

Ran picks up the ring and rolls it around on his hand. He stops picking at his meal and his face suddenly shows some concern. "I have no doubts about the truth of your story, but you had only mentioned my father and that would not give me cause to listen. My father and I have no relation except the blood that flows in my veins. Heronin, however, is as much family to me as my grandfather here. If Heronin has sent you then I must here what he has to say." Ran continues to roll the ring around in his palm as he looks expectantly at Harp.

OOC - I will be away from January 8th to 15th and I won't be accessing email at that time so we should try to wrap up our part of the introductions by then.

From: Kevin

Subject Harp and Ran-Ell

Harp considers thoughtfully. Knowing now that Ran and his father have some type of rift between them, he tries to figure out how to convey his message without damaging his chance of success.

"Knight/Captain Angelwing is concerned about certain activities that are going on through out Gorn. He did not divulge specifics to me, but did tell me that one of the symptons of these activities has been the severe decline in your father's health. He is so concerned that he asked me to tell you that he thinks your father may be dying, and not from natural causes. Given your father's normal protections from such occurances, The Knight/Captain is concerned that the unnamed events I mentioned earlier may be having far greater effects than we have yet seen.

He has asked that you join him in Gorn to discuss these goings on. I do not know what knowledge or wisdom you may bring, and I have little additional information with which to answer any questions you may have. I have been given a task by a superior of my order, and simply ask if you will return with me to Gorn. I have transportation at Woodsedge awaiting our pleasure."

More in the House of Ran-Ell

From: Randy

Subject Harp and Ran-Ell

A brief twinge of emotion crosses Ran's face before he catches it and restores his expression to a mask of unconcern.

"I don't know if I will be able to return with you." Ran says.

At this his grandfather speaks for the first time since Ran and Harp began conversing.

"Ran, have you forgotten entirely the studies you have been doing in the last months? Even if you do not love your father you must know that there was a time that your mother did. He is your family whether you choose to accept it or not. Aside from that, you know that there are things of this world that are beyond our petty concerns. I too have felt that there are disturbances. I don't know their nature but I do know that if you have an opportunity to help then you must do so."

Ran looks shocked at the words from his grandfather.

"I am not ready to abandon my studies here. I need to learn more from you grandfather. I can't believe you would say that my mother loved my father. He is the reason she killed herself."

"No, she always had the choice to take her own life or not. It is because she loved your father that she didn't just flee the city and return here. You may not be ready to accept that but it is true. Read her journals more thouroughly and you will see it for yourself. As for studies here with me, there are complete for the time being. I will not allow you to study here if it means keeping you from an opportunity to make amends with your father and to help your friend Heronin."

With that, Gar-Ell stands and walks out of the room into his private chambers. Ran, still looking shocked, turns to face Harp once again.

"Well, I don't know what to say. I, I suppose that I don't have much choice in the matter now. I will gather my things and be prepared to leave by morning."

Ran, his expression filled with sorrow, begins clearing the table. As he is doing so, he drops his cup and wine spills onto the floor. Ran lets out a cry of equal parts rage and grief as he falls to the ground and begins to weep. After about a minute he regains his composure and politely asks Harp to meet him in the morning outside of Gar-Ell's home. It is clear to Harp that Ran does not want any further company.

From: Kevin

Subject Harp and Ran-Ell

Harp sits in silence, trying to digest the conversation he had just heard. His new companion seemed to have a family life nearly as interesting as Harp's.

Harp, realizing that he has not been offered the courtesy of staying the night in the elves home, climbs down the rope ladder and prepares his small camp site. He says his prayers to his diety and retires for the night, hopefull that he will be able to complete his task. He very much wants to prove to Knight/Captain Angelwing that he will make a good member of the Order.

The night proves instructive to Harp, as he had not slept in the wilderness (much less and Elven forest) in quite a while. The night sounds, while familiar, had a much less threatening tone to them. Every thing seemed peaceful and benign, so different than Harp's youth.

After a while, Harp drifts off to sleep, wondering what tomorrow will bring.