Salix and Surin

From: Jake

Subject Salix and Surin

OOC: Okay, so, I don't seem to be going to bed; may as well write my turn now.

IC: Surin produces a dagger, seemingly from nowhere, and procedes to carve himself a healthy portion of the mutton, which he piles onto a thick slab of bread. As he cuts a thin slice of cheese and lays it over the meat, he purses his lips, considering.

"I'll tell you plain, Salix, I haven't much fondness for the circus these days. It's what I know, sure and all, but me and the circus may be about through with each other. I've been working up my nerve to leave for more'n a week now?just trying to decide where to go, what to do; no sense in leavin' if I'd just have to go into the property liberating business on my own, eh?"

He places another generous slab of bread on top of the meat and cheese, smashes the sandwich as flat as he can with the palm of his hand, and takes a bite, washing it down with a swig of ale.

"Besides, never could resist a mystery." Looking over his sandwich as he prepares to take another bite, he says "he didn't say *anything* else?"

After Salix has answered, and Surin has swallowed another bite he says, almost to himself, "now, when to leave, eh? Daylight won't work--there's those as wouldn't want to see me go, and might get it in their heads to stop me. Can't have that. First light won't work by the same token. Camp'll be rousing itself--I'd be seen. Tell you what, why don't I meet you someplace at, oh, say, the second hour before dawn? Yonder maybe, at the treeline, by that old lightning struck oak?"

He drains the last of his ale, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, and laughs. "You know, most folk run away from their responsibilities to join the circus. Seems I may have things a bit backward."

From: Karl

Subject Salix and Surin

Salix, having long since satisfied his hunger, watches with a kind of morbid fascination as the Halfling continues to eat, making a sandwich that had to be half his weight in mutton. Where could he put all that food? He certainly wasn't fat.

At mention of some resistance to his leaving, Salix simply says, "Well, I have a few tricks up my sleeve that will likely surprise anyone who would try to stop us.

"Nevertheless, best to avoid a fight when possible. I'll meet you as you say. It's getting late. It would be best if I leave while it's still light so anyone watching will think our business is done. And I have a campsite to prepare. Eat your, um, *fill* of the remainder. It's paid for." Just to make sure, he drops a couple of extra coppers on the bar on the way out, nodding politely at Estrella.

Salix makes his way to the edge of town and disappears into the forest. He walks at a leisurely pace out of town for almost an hour, then backtracks to the treeline at the edge of town, within site of the lightening struck tree Surin had mentioned, where he makes camp, take care not to be seen. Once the camp is set, he moves to the edge and appears to say a quick prayer. Immediately he takes the form of a small willow tree, and keeps watch on the town until dark. Fortunately, no one seems to have taken an interest in his departure. Hopefully, the rest of Surin's afternoon was just as uneventful.

At dark, he resumes his human shape and prepares to sleep. He makes a hooting sound, and Noctis, who had spent the last few hours sleeping in a nearby tree, comes swooping over. He orders Noctis to take watch until the second hour before dawn and to wake him if anything unusual happens.


At the appropriate hour, he is awakened by a slight pricking feeling on his shoulder as Noctis prods him gently. Instantly alert, he looks into the darkness toward the tree and see that Surin has nearly arrive there. He quickly gathers camp and meets up with the Halfling.

"Good Morning to you, " he says. "Or nearly morning, at any rate." They proceed immediately deeper into the trees, walking about half an hour before picking up the road they would need to take toward Gorn. They then travel mounted and in silence, for the most part, until the first rays of lightbreak through the cloudy dawn. Salix motions for them to stop for a light breakfast, and as he unpacks his rations, he asks, "So in the circus, I imagine you've seen a good portion of this land, yes?"

From: Jake

Subject Travels

Surin nods. "Sure, more than some. All from the caravan though--this is the first time I've been this way alone. Well, not alone, but you know."

"And what of you? Travel much?"

From: Karl

Subject Travels

"Well, I've traveled a bit over the last year or so. Mostly doing various tasks for Quarion. Most of my travels have kept me in the forests, so I've learned quite a bit about the differences - and similarities - of the various wooded areas of the land. I have visited the cities, but all in all I prefer the woods. People tend to show their worst side the more they're crowded together." He looks carefully at Surin to make sure he hasn't taken offense. "But, it's good to have a companion to travel with," he adds with a smile.

Breakfast finished, they mount and again begin the journey toward Gorn.

Periodically a large horned owl swoops down and lands on Salix's shoulder. On these visits, the owl will often hoot and whistle for a moment before swooping off again. A couple of times Surin thinks he might have heard Salix hooting back.

From: Mark

Subject Harp and Ran-Ell

Randy has contacted Kevin and said that he would be too busy to do anymore before he goes on vacation. Therefore I will finish up their meeting and get them to Gorn.

Have a good vacation Randy and we look forward to playing when you get back.

From: Jake

Subject Travels

If Surin takes offense at Salix words, he shows no sign of it. He seems to be in high spirits after having left the circus.

"Don't reckon I'd fare so well out in the woods, myself. It's all in what you know, I'd say. There's good and evil everywhere--just have to watch out for different things in different places, I'd say."

After one of the owl's visits, Surin says "that's a fine bird you've got there. Owl, innit? What kind? He a pet, or more of a...friend?"

>"But, it's good to have a companion to travel with," [Salix] adds with a

Surin smiles. "Sure and it is at that, Salix. Always good to have someone to talk to. So, how'd you come to be a wealward? What kind of a life takes a man in that direction?"

From: Karl

Subject Noctis and Druids

Salix realizes that he hasn't introduced his animal companion. "Where are my manners? Surin, this is Noctis. Noctis, Surin" he says, looking at the Owl and nodding toward the Halfing. Noctis in turn, looks at Surin and cocks his head. It's unclear if the owl actually comprehends the words, but he seems to understand that the newcomer to the party is not a threat.

"Noctis, here, is very much a friend. He has been with me for quite some time and I don't know what I'd do without him. I've had him scanning the area ahead of us and it seems that we might want to be leaving the road for a few miles." Salix dismounts and motions for Surin to do the same. He clasps his right hand over a small wooden object tied to his left wrist and says a small prayer that they and the mounts might pass the next few miles without leaving any trace. This done, he motions for Surin to follow him into the forest with his mount. He makes a hooting noise to Noctis and the great owl flies off, gaining height,but apparently following the road.

To Surin's inquisitive glance, Salix answers, "I'm not sure what the trouble is, but something has him spooked. That usually means caution is the best idea. Noctis will let us know when we've passed the danger and can safely get back on the road.

Traveling in the woods seems a little easier than before, and if Surin looks back he will see that they leave neither footprint nor any other trace that they have passed that way. Indeed, even the dried and fallen leaves seem to spring back untouched after they pass by. After several minutes of silent travel into the forest, Salix speaks again. "You asked about my coming to be a Wealdward.

Well, I feel that I was destined to the calling. I was left in a grove of Willows sacred to the druids of my order when I was just an infant. It was clear that I was meant to be found by them. They taught me all that I know and have given me a very good life." He pauses. "But that is how I became a druid. Becoming a Wealdward took a lot of training. It is the first level of any real significance in my order. All lower order designations emphasize an acolyte or training status. Wealdwards have a small degree of autonomy in deciding how they will fulfill their obligations to the order."

Surin gives an unconvincing nod and Salix re-phrases, "I have sworn to protect the forests and wooded areas of this land. As a Wealdward, I can decide how best to do this within my own abilities, with the understand that I will report back to my order and will have to give accounting of my time. Normally, new Wealdwards are sent to learn more about the forests and lands outside The Order. In my experience, they are sent to a specific place for a specific time period after which they return to The Order and either resume training or take a new commission from the council."

"I say, 'in my experience', because that is all I've known of Wealdwards before me. But my commission is different than I expected. My mentor, Stormfather Acer, asked me to assist Master Smith, er, Quarion, and I have sworn duty to him for an unspecified time. I have been under his direction for over a year now and I'm not sure much longer this duty is intended to last." Salix's voice trails off at this last bit and Surin can see a hint of . . . what? Homesickness maybe? But it fades quickly and Salix picks up his pace.

After a couple of hours Salix hears a loud hooting from the direction of the road and turns the small group towards the sound. A moment later, Noctis swoops into view and lands on Salix's shoulder, hooting softly. Salix gives the great bird a pat and the company returns to the road.

"I don't know," Salix says, anticipating the question. "Bandits maybe? At anyrate, I'm sure it was something we're better off not meeting."

"So now I've told you more than you've asked. I'm not used to having someone new to talk to. What about you? What took you to the circus? And why were you so careful to leave unnoticed? Do you think your friends will come looking for you?"

If he looks back, Surin might notice that it's well over an hour before the group starts making footprints in the dusty road again.

From: Jake

Subject Druids

As they make their way through the woods, Surin seems fascinated by the fact that they leave no trail. He listens attentively to Salix's story, but even as he does so he is kicking his foot into the loamy soil, then watching delightedly as the hole seems to melt away, and generally playing with the effects of the spell.

>"So now I've told you more than you've asked. I'm not used to having
>someone new to talk to. What about you? What took you to the circus? And
>why were you so careful to leave unnoticed? Do you think your friends will
>come looking for you?"

He snorts. "Nothing took me to it. Was born into it. I'm probably related to more than two thirds of that caravan. If my family had known I was leaving...well, there's those as would have had a mind to stop my going. Not out of love, I'd say, 'cept for maybe some of the little ones. That one that was picking your pocket, he'll miss me, and I'll miss him. Left him a note explaining myself before I headed out. Wanted to wake him, but he'd've woken the others, and I couldn't have that."

"You see Salix, I'm good at my job--better than most, though there aren't many in that caravan as would admit it, least to my face. They'll get by fine without me, but it'll take them a good long while to find someone who can bring in as much, on a daily basis, as I'm able to. They're not going to like loosing that income."

He pats his pony's neck affectionately. "Plus, they're not going to be too happy with me when they find out I took Pelas here. I reckon there'll be some unhappiness about the rest of my gear. It's mine though," he says, slightly defensively, "mine true enough. I just saw to paying myself for my years of service, and paid myself a fairer wage than others might have."

From: Karl

Subject Surin's wages

Salix smiles inwardly as Surin justifies the "payment of wages" as he put it. "You don't have to explain yourself to me," he says with a grin. He's surprised at how much slack he's willing to cut this roguish Halfling. Just six months earlier, he'd probably have ended the relationship at the first mention of pick-pocketing. But if there's one thing he's learned from Quarion it's that there are many precious gems that have not yet been cut and polished. It's taken him the better part of the year to understand that, and he's beginning to feel that Surin is a fine example of that phenomenon. "I've been. . . . fortunate, I guess, in that I've never had the need to provide for myself in a manner others might question. That has got to be hard for you sometimes." He says the words, then realizes how patronizing they sound out loud -- not at all like they did in his head -- and quickly looks away from Surin, searching the road ahead of them.

After several more hours of travel, they again move off the road and make camp. Noctis, having picked up a rather fat squirrel somewhere, perches on a nearby branch and begins voraciously tearing at his kill.

"I'm not sure what you brought, but you're welcome to some of my food." Salixsays. "I have plenty, but I'm afraid it's all trail rations. Not exactly mutton and cheese."

(OOC - Jake, feel free to move ahead with the story from Surin's point of view. If you want to cover a day or two of the travel time, that's fine with me. If I think of anything exciting or interesting, I can introduce it later.)

From: Mark

Subject Harp and Ran-Ell

In the morning Harp is awakened by Gar-Ell.

?I apologize for what you had to witness yesterday. My grandson has not come to terms with his dual heritage. I see that you also share in a dual heritage, although one much different then Ran's. You do not seem to have the usual attitude of one of your background.? Gar holds up his hand, stopping Harp before he has a chance to talk. ?No, say nothing. Maybe you will be a good influence on Ran. If he can see how you deal with your split background, maybe he will be able to come to terms with his. I will send him out in a few minutes. Please look after him. I do care for him. ? With that the elf turns and enters the house.

A few minutes later Ran exits the house, carrying his belonging. He takes them over to a small stable and puts them on a horse. When he is done he hops lightly into the saddle and turns to Harp. ?Well, let's go see if my father is still alive.?

With that the two head off back to the port town. When there they catch the next ship to Schon.

Weeks later, after an uneventful voyage, they reach Gorn. It is mid-day when they finally slide into the pier and the Captain says that they may disembark. Ran leads his horse Kir, down the gangplank, with Harp following. When they get to the bottom, Harp moves forward and says? I think we should go stable your horse at the chapter house and then go see Knight/Captain Angelwing.? Ran nods and heads off to the chapter house. Harp is surprised a bit that Ran knows the way and then remembers that Ran grew up here.

An hour later they are standing outside the door to Angelwing's office. Harp looks at Ran-Ell and says ?You ready?? Ran nods and Harp knocks on the door. Angelwing's voice booms out from inside, ?Enter?. Harp opens the door for Ran and let's the half elf enter first.

The commotion is incredible. Angelwing seems to be shouting, Ran is almost yelling just to hear himself over the loud voice of the Knight/Captain and Harp just stands back in the corner, waiting to be called on. After a few minutes of greeting, Angelwing motions to the men to sit down.

Sinking into the comfortable chairs, Ran and Harp wait for the Captain to speak.

?First Ranthir, let me give you the good news. Your father is going to live. Our clerics and other learned members were able to figure out a way to stop the poison. We still do not know how your father was poisoned our who did it, but his is not getting any worse. Now the bad news. He is not getting better very fast. We have our best people working on it and I will keep you updated with out it goes.?

?So it looks like you might have made the trip for nothing. However, now that you are here, I would like to ask you a personal favor. You have been gone for a while, so I would guess you have not heard. I am to be married. She is the fourth daughter of a minor noble from Mnuhl. It has been announced in the city, but the actual date she is to arrive has not been announced. There are many people in the world who would not like to see an alliance between Schon and Mnuhl. I am going to tell you that no one else, but a few, know. She is on her way here now. She has an escort, but there are parts of her journey that lead by dangerous areas. I am going to be sending out a small party to meet her party and help her find a way here. I would like you to go with this group as my personal representative. I am sure she will have questions about me and you can give her all the answers, good and bad. Her name is Rochell.

?Will you do this for me??

Ran thinks for a moment and replies ? Heronin, I will do this for you if you never call me Ranthir again. You know that I want no part of my human background. However, for the friendship we share, I will go meet your bride.?

Angelwing, gives Ran a big hug, and then turns to Harp. ?Corporal Harp, you have done a fine job getting Ran back to us. I would also ask you to go on this mission??

Harp nods his head and says ? Of course, Knight/Captain.?

?Good,'says Angelwing, ?it is settled. Meet me in the main conference room tomorrow after 3rd bell. I will introduce you to the rest of the party.? He then dismisses Harp.

OODM: Ok Harp and Ran-Ell are in Gorn and ready for the main introduction.
