Back in Gorn

From: Mark

Subject: Back in Gorn

As the party approaches the small fort complex a familiar face rides out to greet them. Lt. Halpin, along with half a dozen soldiers, rides up slowly. Halpin's voice rings out "Sgt. Harp. You keep showing up here a few more times and I'm going to think you are after my job." The man's grin is wide and his face open. He seems completely relaxed. "How can we help you this time? It's been almost two months since you were through here last. Are you still on the same mission as when you blew through here like a whirlwind the last time?" Harp rides up and clasps the man's hand "We have accomplished that mission and are heading home to report in. Any news?" The two start discussing current events in Schon.

The party spends the night at the fort. The food is plain but filling. They tell stories with the soldiers but keep the story of what happened on their mission to themselves. After a good night sleep and a hearty breakfast the party starts the last leg of their journey. Several days later, around noon, they come with in site of the walls of Gorn. An escort of Silver Swords rides out and accompanies them to the Chapter House of the order. The party cleans up and at dinner time is presented to Anglewing. "Sergeant Harp" he says "were you able to get it?" Harp brings out the bag that he had kept the gem in and unties it. He dumps the emerald out onto Angelwing's hand. "Here it is Sir. One of the gems of Valorshield." Angelwing turns and hands the gem to Orpal and the brother takes the gem, along with an escort, out of the room.

"I thank you" Angelwing says "all of you, for this. Join me for dinner tonight and tell me the tale of this adventure. We will also talk of your reward." Mund's eyes light up at the mention of reward and the party goes back to their rooms to prepare for dinner. An hour later the party is in a private dinning room with Angelwing and several high ranking members of the order, such as Ranthir's father. The meal is fabulous and they spend hours telling the paladins about their last adventure. At Salix's request they leave a few things about the Druid's out of the tale. Salix does inform Anglewing that there are things he has asked his companions to keep to themselves. "I hope you will not force Harp or Ragnar to break their bond of friendship with me just to satisfy your curiosity. The things I have asked them to hold silent on have no bearing on the larger mission, but deal with the inner workings of the Druids." Anglewing reluctantly agrees.

As the meal comes to a finish Angelwing stands "I propose a toast. To Harp, Salix, Ranthir, Surin, Kal, Ragnar, Mund and Allistair. May they stay courageous and strong." The other paladins stand and salute the party. As desert is being served Angelwing tells them "As a sign of our appreciation, the order will take care of your upkeep while you are in Gorn. If you wish to stay here at the Chapter House, you would be our guests. If you wish to stay someplace in town, you may do so. Have the owner send someone to the quartermaster and he will arrange payment. Also I will put the Order's weaponsmith and armorsmith at your disposal if you want to have armor or weapons made or repaired. Mage Allistair, I will also request that the Mage guild allow you access to their library or scrolls and spells. If anyone else needs something, please let me know and we will see what we can do to help."

"I would also ask if all of you are willing to stay on until we can decipher were the next gem is? You 8 have proven yourselves twice and have shown yourselves to be resourceful and brave. I think we could do worse."

OODM: Any role playing or leveling up stories can happen now. They can be set on the trip back if you want. The party will have 1 month in town before they are called back. I think I made the trip back too fast. The trip back should have taken twice as long as the trip up. I think the trip up took two weeks so the trip back should have taken 4 weeks. With the week or so at Bodentown and the two days or so with the druids, the whole adventure took, by my accounting, two months or so. That should put the time at late summer, I think.

As to the reward, there is a gold piece limit on what you can get. My books are at home so I will get that for you later. Let me know if you want to sell anything. You can also have current weapons enhanced or new ones made. The same with armor. You will get a very favorable price. Let me know what you are looking for and we can role play it.
From: Mark

Subject: Reward

And no, no ponies.
From: Kevin

Subject: Reward

OOC: ?????

I have no idea what that means.
From: Mark

Subject: Reward

I was heading off all the children who want ponies as their reward. :)
From: Kevin

Subject: Reward

I think that went over about as well as my Ray Bradbury joke last week.
From: Kevin

Subject: Reward

Can you come up with a valuation on the items we got during this adventure? The dagger, the axe and the mace, the chalice, etc?

That will affect how we divy stuff up and who gets what of what value.
From: Josh

Subject: Back in Gorn

I'm without internet until next week sometime, but Kal is definitely going to want to do some stuff in town. I'll try to get something out, but if I can't, is it alright to ret-con it so not to slowdown the group?