Harp and Kal, Ran's Question, Salix's time off

From: Josh

Subject: Harp and Kal

OOC: This starts immediately after Harp offered the protection to Kal, and then runs parallel to what Keven just sent out.

Kal briefly returns to his room but is unable to find any rest in meditation. Something was bothering him, something didn't feel right. It wasn't Harp's unwarranted devotion; Harp's strength of character no longer surprised Kal. But Harp wasn't telling the truth. Firstly, the blessing was too powerful. Kal had spent enough time with elven priests to know this sort of blessing was out of Harp's league. Secondly, the lie was written all over Harp's face. Kal almost laughs at the way he used to imagine Harp. Now Kal knew that face isn't capable of monstrosity. It's too honest, too open. Like tonight, Harp's too good to be good at lying.

But why would Harp lie? There's no reason for it. If the blessing did something different than protect Kal there's no good reason to keep that information from Kal. Kal would do best when he knew exactly what was going on, and Harp would be smart enough to know that.

And what of the rings? Why a matching pair? Blessings don't always work like divine magic, but there's usually the same sort of loose causation. Pearls create Ice, sulfur creates fire, a lens will provide far vision. If the blessing just provided protection to Kal, Kal should wear a ring. What did Harp's ring do? Certainly it didn't provide the same protection to Harp; the blessing was already more powerful the Kal imagined it could be.

Kal couldn't figure it out, so there was only one way to know. They needed to practice with the spell. Fortunately Harp had already made the suggestion, so Kal needed no further excuse. He gathered his new armor and weapon and headed to the common area Harp frequents.

As Kal had hoped, Harp's there talking with a few priests and warriors. Harp's still wearing his armor from training that day. Kal wasn't surprised. After spending weeks prepared for battle, he felt naked without a sword at his waist and armor to protect him. Harp must feel the same way. This was a good thing, Harp would likely be ready immediately.

"Harp, lets go right now to the training yard. I want to see how this works."

To Kal's surprise, Harp makes an excuse to return to his quarters. What could Harp need? He had his armor and his sword. The ring was still on his finger. Well, only time will tell. Harp was already walking back to his room, all Kal could do was wait for him in the yard.

My doubts weren't unfounded, Kal thinks with both relief and trepidation. Harp is hiding something. It doesn't make sense that he would lie to me, but there it is, clear as day.

With nothing else to do, Kal begins to stretch in the yard. After a few minutes Harp comes out wearing only a robe. That's strange, Kal thinks to himself.

"What's wrong Harp, you afraid to face me now!!"

"No, no, nothing like that. I just have never used this blessing before, and I need to see what type of concentration I need when it is active. I don't want it to fail us in an important moment."

Kal nods. He still didn't understand what was going on, but better to act like nothing was wrong.

Harp goes to the yardmaster and finds two men for Kal to spar with. Despite the confusion, Kal was looking forward to the match. Harp outlines the rules, "The others have been told to use the flats. If you must hit one of them with that needle of yours, do it in an arm or a leg - not through one of their hearts."

Kal nods in assent, and reaches into a pouch. He takes out a small piece of oak which has been shaped to fit over the tip of his sword, covering about six inches of the blade and preventing it from doing any serious damage.

Harp moves to the sideline, still in prayer. When he gets out of hearing range, Kal says to the fighters, "I'm testing something particular here. I understand Harp asked you not to use the blades of your weapon, but I encourage you to. Don't try to kill me, but I can take a cut or two. I need this to be as much like real combat as possible. Alright?"

Both men look a little uncomfortable but nod in assent.

As Harp finishes his chant, Kal readies his stance. Two opponents hardly seemed like a fight, but Kal intended to let them hit him a few times anyway. If the prayer does what Harp says it will, Kal must be able to feel the difference.

The fight starts, and Kal starts his dance. Without giving up completely, Kal leaves his defenses more open than he normally would. He wants to get hit. He wants to feel the effects of the blessing.

The men fight well, and press harder than they normally would in combat. Kal's sword dance can be intimidating, but not when the opponent knows his sword is non-lethal.

Blows land but don't feel the way they should. Like sound through a wall, or an image through a screen, the attacks are somehow diminished. Kal loves the feeling, after about 5 minutes Kal knows he should be spent from the damage he's taken, but instead he's just getting started.

He laughs a little and begins his chant anew. Determined to regain some of his lost pride, Kal pushes forward against his opponents with full effort now. After a few minute they're all laughing at the silliness of it. If his sword was sharp, they would have each died twice over. If not for the spell, Kal would be well past gone.

The fight comes to an end, and Kal looks over at Harp, reminded of his doubt. With a quick thank you to his sparing partners, Kal dismisses them and walks toward Harp.

Even now Harp's face bears the deception. It is so intense it almost seems to cause him pain, Kal thinks to himself. What was it? Why would Harp need to lie? This blessing worked wonderfully, they would be a much more potent team. What was there to lie about?

Kal walks over to Harp intending to confront him about the issue, but at the last second changes his mind.

I will trust him, Kal resolves. There is something he's not telling me. I don't know what it is, but it doesn't matter. I will trust him.

"Not a bad workout!, Too bad you're over here dodging all the fun, " Kal says, wincing as he pokes a shallow cut on his arm, "Maybe the last mission's turned you soft. Could you patch some of these up for me?"

Harp smiles weakly and heals Kal has best he is able. They clean up the yard briefly, and then return to the barracks just in time for dinner. On the walk back they laugh about some of the things they had seen in town, growing more and more comfortable with each other's friendship.

From: Randy

Subject: Ran's question

"Heronin, I will of course go on this mission. I do, however, wonder why some of the more powerful members of the order do not accompany us on these missions. If they are of the importance they seem to be I would think that we would want to send the best and most powerful. If the people are not available, I wonder why there is a limit placed on the value of equipment and services we take with us. Should we not be equipped in the best available? Should Alistair not be given the most powerful magical protections? Should we not all be given the maximum enchantments for our weapons and armours? Based on what we have faced so far, it seems the very fate of the world hangs on the success of these missions. We are no longer the rag tag band of adventurers that started these quests but we are still far from the most powerful beings on the side of good."

Ran remains calm as he asks his questions. There is no tone of accusation but more one of concern.

From: Mark

Subject: Ran's question

OODM: Randy are trying to find a way for the party not to be sent? :)

I will write up something this afternoon.

From: Randy

Subject: Ran's question

OOC: No, it's just one of those things that always bugs me a little about RPGs where you are sent on a mission of world saving importance and yet are still expected to pay for everything that might help the mission succeed. I think that a person put into that position might logically question this.

From: Porter

Subject: Ran's question

Pay no attention to the plot hook behind the curtain.

From: Josh

Subject: Wands

Oh, last minute Kal picks up one of those wands of CLW. Harp was like "yo dude this shit's hot" and Kal was like "word".

From: Porter

Subject: Wands

*literal lol*

From: Kevin

Subject: Wands

"represent, homie"

From: Mark

Subject: Wands

Just wait until that schizzel fizzels.

From: Derek

Subject: Ran's question

I was reading how shows like Power Rangers have a similar situation, as in why don't they use the most powerful attack they have as soon as the bad guys appear? The real reason is of course that the show has to be 22 minutes long, but IC this is usually explained by the power rangers having certain rules of engagement as a condition for their powers, one being that the heroes have to use the minimum force necessary to defeat the enemy.

From: Porter

Subject: Ran's question

Yeah. Mund hasn't learned those rules of engagement very well yet.

From: Kevin

Subject: Ran's question

Go Go Pink Ranger.

From: Jason

Subject: Ran's question

That's pretty funny. I remember seeing one episode where they were all getting beat on by some green ranger and then they finally just called all their dragons and stomped on him... a 30 foot tall metal giant against a 6 foot guy in a suit. That made me laugh.

From: Jason

Subject: Ran's question

Actually, I was planning on having Ragnar ask why we were being sent if this was mostly a diplomatic mission, seeing as how elves and half-orcs aren't exactly idolized in dwarven society. But I'm content with Ran being the one making Angelwing (or Mark) squirm.

From: Karl

Subject: Salix's time off

Salix was never a lover of cities, and Gorn was no exception. It wasn't by far the worst collection of people around. Even relatively tiny Bodentown had surpassed Gorn on that accounting. Still, it reeked of things endemic to nearly all large assemblies of people, except the druid circles, of course. Most notible was the smell. Excrement and decay were a part of life, of course, but in a city, cut of from the course of nature, it became concentrated and especially noxious, and it tended to accumulate in forgotten corners where it festered and bred all manner of vile things. No, Salix didn't care much for Gorn.

He again politely declined the room offered to him in the chapterhouse, instead asking permission to reside in the garden while in town. Even that was only tolerable. At first, Salix thought he'd just camp outside the city, but after a week of daily trekking back to the chapterhouse to check for news and back out to his little grove, he felt like he spent more time in the streets of Gorn than at either destination. On the plus side, there were no gardens, parks, or even pots of flowers anywhere in the city more beautiful or luxuriant than the ones on Salix's daily path. He saw to that, idly wondering if anyone else would notice his "mark".

He had hoped Angelwing's Order would come up with something quickly, but as that didn't seem to be happening, and since everyone else in the party was busy with training making the most of their time at "home", Salix decided to explore a bit. He'd explored what felt like half of the city before he stumbled on a little shop at the back of an alley he'd never seen. What first drew his eye was the carving of an oak leaf and acorns above the door. This was a place that welcomed followers of Obad-Hai.

Unfortunately, it only took five minutes of talking with the woman inside to find out she knew nothing of the ways of his God, even if she did have an impressive collection of rare and very useful herbs. After a few minutes talking herbs with her, she began showing him her other wares. She seemed to want to impress him, but most of her items, while unusual in the city were pretty common in the Great North Woods. Then she brought out a small pearl on a golden chain. Salix had heard of Pearls of Power, of course, but they weren't very common in his circle. He did know they were very expensive. "16,000 gold pieces" the lady said. Salix whistled appreciatively, which seemed to please her and he left with a polite but insincere "promise" to give her first crack at any unusual herbs he came across in his travels.

Back at the chapterhouse, Salix was talking with a young acolyte he had struck up a friendly relationship with and mentioned the store and the pearl.

"Oh, you've met old Agatha, then" he said with a laugh. "I certainly hope you didn't buy the pearl. If she was asking 16,000 gp, I'm sure it was worth more like 9,000. But to tell you the truth, I'd be surprised if the whole shop were worth even that much!" He laughed and shook his head. "Anyway, if it's a pearl like that you want, we can supply you one. It won't be cheap, but you can be sure it's real. And Angelwing said you should get a discount, seeing as you've done so much for The Order. I'm actually surprised you haven't asked for anything before now."

"Well, it's not like you post a shopping list," Salix replied. "When he mentioned the armory I didn't think such things would be available here. I'm glad to be wrong. Now, you said there was a good place to get a drink. . ."

(OOC - Mark, you said Salix could get a discounted pearl of power from The Order. With the discount, Salix could afford a lvl 4 pearl (16k x .75 = 12k) and the rest could just go in his pocket for next