
From: Mark

Subject: Questions?

No questions for Galeheart?

From: Porter

Subject: Questions

Come on, guys. You don't want Mund to ask all the questions.

I'll give you a hint -- the topic of the question that Mund wants to ask rhymes with "gale".

Ragnar's questions

From: Kevin

Subject: Galeheart

I think Ragnar should be the one to ask the questions. Coming from a dwarf they might seem less "offensive".

From: Jason

Subject: Questions for Galeheart

Ragnar is somewhat surprised to see Allistair and Mund return with a guest, but smiles and says "No, though as we represent a militant order we do frequently seem to give that impression. I am Ragnar, son of Glim, a dwarf of the Far Reaches*, and leader of this group."

Taking his cue, oddly enough, from Mund (as Allistair seems to be unable to focus on the matter at hand), Ragnar says "We were sent here to meet with he who was king previously, unaware of the changes that had occurred recently. Upon our arrival, we found out about the changes but have also gotten the impression that the matter is a sensitive topic. We are simply here to present ourselves to the king and retrieve an item belonging to our order, and have no desire to stumble blindly through a charged situation."

"We have no need or even desire that you tell us anything secret, or damaging to your king and country, but there appears to be a great deal which is common knowledge, yet remains unspoken of. If you could tell us anything about the recent succession, king Barden, or his cousin, my friends and I would be very appreciataive."

*OOC: Ragnar would use the dwarf name of the Far Reaches, which unfortunately I don't believe I ever found out.

What's going on

From: Mark

Subject: What's going on

OOC: I think the name of the main mountain range up there is the White Fang Mountains.

Galeheart sits down at a table across from Ragnar, looking at the other dwarf. "So you're from the White Fang Mountains, Huh? Never been up there. They say its alot colder out side than it is here, or at least it is in the lowlands."

"But to your question, I guess what I can tell you is well enough known to the dwarves. You're right, we're a tight lipped people when it comes to outsiders."

OODM: I will write more after lunch.

From: Mark

Subject: What's going on

"Ok you know that the old king died a few months ago. The king was young, as dwarves go, and did not have a wife or an heir yet. I'm not going to bore you with the details of dwarven clan relationships and such, but Barden, the old king's cousin, was next in line to the throne. Barden's a good enough fella, but he lacks vision and is a bit vain. But he's a dwarf through and through and no way he would do what some of the rumors say. Some of those idiots out there think Barden had something to do with the old kings death. I don't hold to that. There's no way he'd do a thing like that. Rumor is that the head cleric of Moradain did the truth thing on him and he passed."

"Now that's not saying he was too upset at being king. The worse I can say about him is that he was none too interested in exactly how the old king died. I mean they never found his body. Found his Axe , but not his body. Good thing for him they found that axe. He'd have tough time making the claim without the axe. He's got the crown for sure. The Crown never leaves the main vaults except for affairs of state and such, but the Axe, that's a different story."

"The King always carries the Axe of the Deep, it is one of his badges of office. No King has had to actually use it in over 100 years but it goes back centuries search parties found it at the bottom of a pile of rubble but not the body of the king. Barden said that for the king to be separated from the Axe meant that he was dead. There was some grumbling but Barden was able to convince the thanes of the clans that the old king was dead."

"What else would you know?"

OODM: Any other questions?

Mund has questions

From: Porter

Subject: Mund has questions

OOC: Would the "head cleric of Moradain" likely be a dwarf that lives here?

From: Mark

Subject: Mund has questions

Yes as long as here is somewhere in this large dwarven city.

From: Porter

Subject: Mund has questions

"Hey, you know where we could find this head cleric of Moradain?"

From: Mark

Subject: Mund has questions

"In the Temple."

From: Porter

Subject: Mund has questions

Mund looks around to his companions. "Any of y'all know where the temple is?"

From: Kevin

Subject: Mund has questions

Harp looks at Ragnar, and then back to Mund.

"No, we have not seen anything that looks like a temple to us, but I am sure that we could just ask where it is.

But Galehart, I have a question. Other than Barden, who would have the most to gain from the death of your old king?"

From: Mark

Subject: Mund has questions

"Well there are any number of clan factions, guilds or countries that can stand to benefit whenever the throne changes hands. For example the old King was a fan of a certain weapons smith guild. The question no one knows the answer to is will Barden favor a different weapons guild. Things like that."

"Or as another example, you folks came in with that new Ambassador from Byho, right? Now, the Underkingdom has had a trade agreement with them for centuries. But Fornax had been trying for decades to get that contract. No way the old King was going to change but who knows about Barden?"

Dwarven politics

From: Kevin

Subject: Dwarven politics

"Was there any friction between he who was king and the temple? Please forgive my questions, but in our country, some churches get more involved local politics and business than others."

From: Mark

Subject: Dwarven politics

"Not that I know of, but you're talking high up people there. The old King did was a good dwarf and the head cleric is not known to interfere, or at least I never heard of it. Who knows?"

From: Kevin

Subject: Dwarven politics

"Thanks for that information.

Ragnar, how do you want to proceed? Kal and I are supposed to meet up with some dwarves we know in a few hours."

Ally has questions.

From: Derek

Subject: Ally has questions

OOC: I'm back in town with regular email access and all that fun.

IC: Allistair is trying to clear his head so that he can think more analytically. "What about the cave-in itself? I don't know how much you know about tunnels and digging and such, but it certainly is much more than any of us know. What would be some effective ways to cause a cave-in at that location at a specifically desired time?

From: Mark

Subject: Ally has questions

"The cave in? I guess there might be several ways to cause a cave in but to time it for just when the King was there? Dont't see how they could do that. But, I guess with magic anything is possible, but I don't know a whole lot about that."

From: Derek

Subject: Ally has questions

"Where there any survivors to the accident that killed the former king? Any eye-witnesses as to whether there was an earthquake or an explosion that preceded the cave-in itself?"

"The chances are slim, but perhaps if we could go to the spot where the cave-in occured there might be some clue as to what caused the cave-in, magical or not."

From: Kevin

Subject: Ally has questions

At that comment, Salix speaks up. "As a matter of fact, I found someone to guide us to that spot, so that we can pay our respects to he who was king. It is several days to get there, and only four of us can go. I was going to ask Harp and Surin to join me with Ragnar on this journey. We leave in a short while (OOC: I forget how long it will be before Salix needs to meet with dwarf druid, so write up as you need.).

OOC: Harp will respond that he already has plans with Kal, and that maybe Ran could go in his stead.

From: Derek

Subject: Ally has questions

"All right. If something magical was the cause, I'm sure you'd be just as good as myself at detecting it. With it being so long after the fact though, I don't know if there is much chance of that. However if we want to search through the rubble, I could probably do that the best by using my magic to turn into a gas."

From: Kevin

Subject: Ally has questions

"If you would rather come along, that's OK with me. Mund, would you like to join your brother, or would you rather stay here?"

From: Mark

Subject: whose talking?

Is this Salix speaking here?

From: Mark

Subject: Ally has questions

Agrana was is supposed to meet the party tomorrow morning.

From: Kevin

Subject: Whose speaking?

Yes, that is/was Salix.

Sorry, confusion ensues when you have multiple personalities.

From: Porter

Subject: Ally has questions

Mund weighs the ale he won't be able to drink while he's spelunking against getting away from too many folks and being there to watch his brother's back.

"I'll come along. The exercise will do me good."

Mund makes arrangements with Galehart and those staying behind so that they'll be able to contact him and get help from him should the need arise.


From: Mark

Subject: More?

Anything else for Galeheart? Did I forget to answer any questions?

let me know before 1PM or I will move the story on.

From: Derek

Subject: More

Allistair asks a couple of more questions as his head starts to clear a bit more. "It sounds like there may be more than just a few grumblings about the recent succession. Are there any groups that are actively pursuing information on what may have really happened to the former king or what may have caused the cave-in? Has Barden actively quashed those seeking more information or has he just 'not been helpful'? "

From: Mark

Subject: More

"You're startin to get into dangerous territory now. There might be some grumblings under the breath but there's been no public outcry other than what first happened. Barden is well enough liked, both before and after the accident. Some dwarves just like to grumble."

From: Derek

Subject: More

Allistair nods. "That's more or less what I thought. The number of if's you have to stack on top of each other to implicate King Barden is a bit too high to be very plausible anyway, at least with what we know right now. It would require Barden and the head cleric of Moradin and some other party, possible Fornax, to all be in collusion to kill the former king. It seems a bit of a stretch to me. Fornax by itself if certainly suspicious, but I can't see a country trying something as risky as regicide just in order to have the possibility of getting a lucrative trading agreement. Now if they knew it was a sure bet that's different, but that would suggest Barden and Fornax in collusion which we have no reason to suspect."

Allistair considers his own words and then adds, "I hope you don't read any disrespect for King Barden in my words, Galeheart. I'm just going through all the possibilties in my head, and explaining why they are not plausible."

From: Mark

Subject: More

"Hey I know your good folk. But I'd be careful who you said those things around. Even someone who might agree with you on the inside would turn you in if they thought you were serious, especially since your outsiders, top folk, you know."

From: Derek

Subject: More?

"Thank you Galeheart, I appreciate your candor."

Harp and Kal off to dinner

From: Mark

Subject: Harp and Kal head out for dinner

Galeheart looks around "Will that be it then?" Ragnar looks at the party seeing no other questions. "My thanks Galeheart." Mund hands the dwarf his money and he heads back to his wife. When he is gone Ragnar calls the others and they discuss what they have found. Harp and Kal tell the others about their dinner plans with Bordin and Salix speaks up "I was hoping that Harp would be able to accompany me on my trip with Agrana but I don't see how that could happen now. Ally, are you and Mund willing to come with Surin and me? Your knowledge of the arcane and Mund's axe could stand us in good stead." Ally nods through bleary eyes "Yes I will go with you but I need some sleep first."

That is when Salix notices that Ally's color is not all that good "Are you ok? Did you get poisoned?" Ally gives rueful laugh "Nothing that simple. I helped my brother out with a drinking game. I'm surprised I'm still able to walk. I know I'm going to regret tonight in the morning. So, please, everyone, if you can, no loud noises. I'm off to bed now. Get me up an hour before we need to leave." Ally then stumbles off to the sleeping chambers in the suite.

The evening horn echoes through out the warrens then. "Kal and I should head out now" Harp says. Ragnar nods "Fine. Ran and I will stay here. You two keep your meeting and try not to get yourselves killed. If there are two people who are most out of place here it is you two. Remember, dwarves can be gruff with outsiders and half orcs and elves are not high up on their list of buddies." Kal nods "I will endeavor to keep the peace." Harp slaps him on the back, almost knocking the elf off his feet And if he doesn't, I'll pick him up and carry him right back here." The elf laughs and punches Harp in the side, almost bruising him fist on the muscle "You would have to catch me first and you stumble around like an ogre with his feet tied together."

This brings a hearty laugh from Harp and the two head out for dinner. It only takes them about half an hour to make it to the practice ground and Bordin and three other dwarves are there waiting for them "Och, you two finally made it. Thought maybe you weren't going to show up." Kal almost says something but he bites his tongue and nudges Harp. Harp takes the hint "Sure we'll show up. Not a chance I'm going to miss a free meal. It might have cost you guys less just to pay up. But lead on." Bordin and the others guide the two to a fairly nice in, the Broken Cask. Out front is a painting of an ale cask being split open with an axe and the contents spilling out. The six take a seat in a far corner.

Bordin and the other order dinner. Harp and Kal do so as well. Kal does not order much and eats less. The main selections are some sort of cooked creature from the UnderKingdom. No fresh fruits or green vegetables. Just roots and tubers along with a wide selection of mushrooms and other fungi. Harp on the other hand takes to the food with abandon. Never one to be too picky when eating, he finds that the different meats have a wide variety of tastes and textures. He is even surprised at the selection of mushrooms. He is hesitant to start but ends up eating nearly a full plate.

As the dinner progresses the four dwarves and Harp talk battles and strategy. Their surprise over Harp's religious background soon gives way to respect for the stories of battle. The dwarves are fascinated by his tales of the Testing Grounds. Soon the mood is relaxed. More ale is passed around along with some smokeweed. Harp feels that it might be time to ask some questions.

OODM: Kevin and Josh can go for it.

From: Karl

Subject: Salix

Hi all!

Remember me? If Kevin's willing to give me back the reigns, I'd be happy to take over Salix again. Things at the store have gotten to the point where I think I can check in at least once per day. I really miss you guys. I've been reading here and there to keep up with the story, but it's just not the same as playing.

I was planning on jumping in once Salix and Co meet up with the druid dwarf. Let me know if that's OK.

My dinner with Bordin

From: Kevin

Subject: Salix's return

He is all yours. That tree hugger was startin to get on my nerves. I wants to chop me down a tree.

Welcome back. Glad things are moving along with you. We have also been trying to keep up with your comments on Sake-river.

From: Mark

Subject: My dinner with Bordin

"Bordin,ya know, I've not known many dwarves. (Laughing) - For some reason, they seem to take a look at me and take an instant dislike for me. So, forgive me if if my anything I ask seems odd or accidentally causes offense. I'm just curious and I don't know what's off limits or rude.

Was there a big effort to find the body of he who was king? I know that if the head of our Order had fallen somewhere, we would have tried to move the skies, the seas, the mountains themselves to recover his body, so that he could be placed in honor with his forebearers.

It just seems very odd that your revered king would loose his life in a cave in. That seems as unlikely as, as.... well, as unlikely as me convincing Kal over there to fight with anything bigger than that sticker of his."

From: Mark

Subject: My dinner with Bordin

"Was there a big effort? We dug for a week, there was that much rubble. You ever try and move the debris from a cave in? Not the easiest piece of work, I'll tell you."

"First you have to understand that the collapse happend in a place where we don't go much. The roads between the major cities and towns are stable and maintained, but there not be enough dwarfs out there to keep up all the passages and tunnles and things out there, wether from stone fall or other nasty beasties that live out there."

"No, he that was King had taken his body guard by an odd route, one very seldom used. We didn't even know there was a problem for more than a week after when the collapse had happened. One of his bodyguards had drug himself miles just to get back to a main road. He died there and a passing trade patrol found him. Took us days to find out where the tunnel was."

"We searched for days after the rubble had been cleared. We figured that he who was king had been injured and tried to go get help but was attacked and killed, his body devoured by one of the monsters of the dark. The back ways are filled with nameless creatures who feed on the unwary. We lost 15 dwarves from attacks like this while we searched."

"Most of us were willing to stay and keep looking but that was when Barden called off the search."

From: Kevin

Subject: My dinner with Bordin

"Well, I'm sorry for your loss. A dwarf such as your king was should have fallen in battle, to the glory of his ancestors."

With that, Harp will hoist a toast to the fallen king.

"I guess that no one knows why he went by the route he did?"

From: Mark

Subject: My dinner with Bordin

The dwarves all raise their mugs in toast to the fallen king, drinking deeply. Bordin wipes the froth from his beard and says "Who knows? I surely don't. He that was King was known for keeping his people on their toes."

From: Josh

Subject: My dinner with Bordin

"Please excuse me if I offend. Like Harp here, I don't have the courtesies of the dwarves. What happened to the remains of the body guard? Would we be able to pay our respects?"

From: Mark

Subject: My dinner with Bordin

"Such as were found and could be identified were returned to their families. I'm sure they were given proper clan burials. I don't think the families and clans would be willin to let a bunch of strangers visit their remains."

From: Kevin

Subject: My dinner with Bordin

"Have there been any major changes since Barden became king?

You know what's even more confusing to me is that you all are calling him king even though he hasn't been crowned yet, right? I mean, in our country, we would be callin' someone like that a Steward or Warden until there is an official coronation."

From: Mark

Subject: My dinner with Bordin

The dwarf shrugs "Everyone has their own way. It is our way to call the heir King even before the coronation, as long as the previous king is dead."

Harp keeps questioning, Kal speaks up

From: Kevin

Subject: Harp keeps questioning

Harp lifts his mug and says "Long life to King Barden" and finishes his drink. After filling it up again, Harp thinks for a few minutes.

"Have there been any major shake ups at court since Barden took the crown? I've never seen a change of power where the new guy doesn't go and put some of his own folks in important positions."

From: Mark

Subject: Harp keeps questioning

"Well major changes are common. The Steward was replaced as well as most of his advisors. That's not all odd from what I hear. Named them right quick, if I remember."

From: Kevin

Subject: Harp keeps questioning

OOC: Mark is Bordin an officer or enlisted?

From: Josh

Subject: Kal speaks up

Kal is obviously getting frustrated at all of the questions that don't really hit the point. After a few minutes, he lowers his voice and speaks.

"We're here on a mission from our kingdom that required we acquire something long ago entrusted to the king. If this current king is rightly and proper, then we will speak with him, get what we came for, and be on our way. However, if there's serious doubt among the Dwarves as to the voracity of his claims or as to the manner of the previous king's death, then we shall be honor bound to help the Dwarven kingdoms, as best we can, right those wrongs.

"So tell us straight. Is the current king the rightful and proper heir or is there doubt among the people?"

From: Mark

Subject: Harp keeps questioning

He is a force captain.

Here is the general organization of the dwarf armies.

King - 156,250 dwarves, 5 Force Marshals, 25 Force Generals, 125, Force Commanders, 625 Force Captains, 3,125 Force Leaders (5 Armys)

Force Marshal (Army 1-5) - 31,250, dwarves, 5 Force Generals, 25 Force Commanders, 125 Force Captains, 625 Force Leaders (5 Divisions)

Force General (Division 1-5) - 6,250 dwarves, 5 Forces Commanders, 25 Force Captains, 125 Force Leaders (5 Brigades)

Force Commander (Brigade 1-5) - 1,250 dwarves, 5 Force Captains, 25 Force Leaders (5 Units)

Force Captain (Unit 1-5) - 250 dwarves and 5 Force Leaders (5 Patrols)

Force Leader (Patrol)- 50 dwarves (5 Platoons, 10 dwarves each)

This is where they get there unit numbers from, such as The first of the third of the second of the fifth etc. Daral was a force leader.

From: Kevin

Subject: Kal speaks up

Harp cringes as Kal's blunt statement comes out. He had been making pretty good progress, even to the point of finding out that the Steward was new, and that out there, somewhere in caves, was the dwarf who had been the Steward for Dar.

"Kal, relax. This is a time for drinking and eating. Ragnar has taken the appropriate steps to get an audience with the King and we should let proper procedure take its course. Bordin, you'll have to excuse my elf friend over here. He's not even 150 years old and sometime still lets his youthful energy get the better of him."

From: Josh

Subject: Kal speaks up

Awwww man, you shoulda let him answer before appologizing for Kal's rashness. ;-)

From: Josh

Subject: Kal speaks up

Kal smiles at Harp's comment. He was hoping to get some immediate answers, but he'll go along with Harp's plan.