

One of the exhibits at the New Children's Museum involves a big, jungle-gym-ish sculpture, a large funhouse mirror, and "beastly" costumes that the kids can put on. I'm not sure exactly what the lesson is in terms of art or environmentalism (the two big themes at the museum) but, anyway, Jason liked it.

Children's Museum

Children's Museum

One of the comments I got at the Medium Festival portfolio reviews was that the reviewer felt like she wanted to see me try to make some "less perfect" images. This one is pretty outside my usual style, with the harsh lighting and looser composition. It's not as traditionally "beautiful" as what I usually do. I kind of like it, but I'm not sure it feels like me.

Hold Fast

Hold Fast

It's funny how a silly little moment—filling up a squirt toy in the bath—can yield images that feel calm and contemplative. It really wasn't like that at all.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

I know it's not Thanksgiving yet. But if it's OK for the Hallmark Channel to start playing Christmas movies, then it's OK for me to post this. Harrumph.

I Voted

I Voted

Four years ago, Juliette and I walked to the end of our block to go vote, pushing our stroller and our three-month-old baby boy all the way. It started raining while we marked our ballots, and we were soaked by the time we got home—thankfully, the stroller had a canopy, so Jason stayed dry.

This time around we had two kids in tow and we had to walk a bit further, but the sun was shining. It turned out to be a pretty good day.



It didn't occur to me to wonder until just now about the fact that there are jack-o-lanterns in there with the Thanksgiving stickers. Huh.



I imagine that a normal person would be a bit perturbed to discover a Toy Story band-aid while making his bed, would be at least somewhat fazed by it. My reaction—living, as I do, with a four-year-old—was, "Huh."



For whatever reason, I can't seem to stop taking pictures of Jason while he's watching TV. I look at this picture and can't help but think how big his feet look, how old he looks. Put a little hair on his legs and he could be a teenager. Hell, he could be me.


Juliette and I took the kids trick-or-treating with some friends, which Jason had been excited about and looking forward to for weeks. The evening air was mild and the people were friendly. The kids couldn't restrain themselves from running ahead, trying to get to the next house and its candy as quickly as possible. It was sweet and fun, and full of nostalgia for me.

So, of course, I went and made a bunch of pictures with a completely different feeling.



Trick or Treat





I hope you all had a safe and happy Halloween!



I've taken so many pictures of Jason by this point that he's pretty much over it. He often closes his eyes or turns away, or makes a face. One of the few scenarios in which I can consistently get a truly candid shot of him anymore is while he's watching TV—he's just too engrossed to notice. Takes after the old man that way.

This one was taken back in June. He looks different now, but his TV-watching face is the same.