It Forgets You

I've been sitting on a bunch of pictures from the trip home I took over Christmas, mostly because I couldn't decide which to post. Ultimately, I came to the realization that they work better as a set than they do individually, and thus this post.

Generation Gap


"Daddy, I'm making these into binoculars."

Happy Valentine's Day, Love Mom

One of my coworkers was surprised on Valentine's Day when his mom sent a big box of cupcakes to the office. We all made fun of him, of course.

They were some tasty cupcakes, though.


"I'm making my hair beautiful."

"OK, well it's time to brush your teeth now."

"No! It's not beautiful yet!"


"Daddy, look! A flower!"


The difference between beautiful and disgusting can be a matter of perspective.


It's probably a good thing the door was locked.

Bright Baby Blues

I can't fully articulate how strange and wonderful it is to me that both of my babies have had blue eyes.

Tucked In

Sometimes the amount of consideration Jason can have for others—even his toys—takes my breath away.


I'm obviously not doing a great job with the "daily" thing these days, but I'm going to try to get back in the swing of things.