Turn, new plan

From: Mark

Subject Turn

Ok I was hoping to hear from Ashley before I wrote up the next turn but I can work with it.

I am going to be writing a small turn. I have a real life game tonight so it will be tomorrow before I do anything more.

Also, I am going to be out of town next Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The wife and I are going to Balitmore to see Karl and Chris as well as Dagonee from Ornery/Sakeriver/Hatrack.

From: Porter

Subject Turn


From: Mark

Subject The new plan

As dinner comes to an end Ran makes his exit. "I'll see what I can find out about the Estate tonight. I'll also see what I can find out about the cellars. Wish me luck and see you all in the morning." With that the 1/2 elf heads out the door, off to work before it gets dark. Surin pipes up "I'm going to head out now and see if I can meet up with the Mockers. I know we've talked about forging some papers. While I have a steady hand, forging is something I've never done. Don't expect me back tonight, I won't risk the streets. I'll spend it with the Mockers. See you in the morning, bright and early." As the halfling heads out the door Mund stops him. "Be careful little one. I know you trust the Upright Man but remember he has his own agenda." Surin smiles at Mund and nods before he heads out the door.

The rest of the party heads upstairs for an early nights sleep. Several of them have to be out looking for work that will get them out to the estate early the next morning and Ally has to make sure that he is early to work. The night goes quickly and quietly and the next morning everyone is downstairs for breakfast. Surin soon shows up as does Ran.

OODM: I am going to send info to Ashley and Randy about what they found out/did over night.

From: Kevin

Subject The new plan

Harp is going to try and hook up with Thanga if he can. You know, a last fling before he leaves. He will not tell her that, but... he does not need as much sleep as he used to and he can see in the dark and he looks pretty dangerous just walking around - he has one of the guards pendants anyway.

From: Porter

Subject The new plan

Mund: What does she see in him? What does Harp have that I don't?

Allistair: How about sincerity?

Mund: Sincerity -- I can fake that.

From: Jason

Subject The new plan

Lol, nice one :)